Water World

  • Created by: mieke.r
  • Created on: 03-04-17 08:14
an underground store of water, formed when water-bearing (permeable) rocks lie on top of impermeable rocks
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the chopping down and removal of trees to clear an area of forest.
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a community of plants and animals that interact with each other and their physical environment.
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Ground water
water contained beneath the surface, as a reserve
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Hydrological Cycle
the global stores of water and linking processes that connect them
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not allowing water to pass through
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the process whereby water soaks into the soil and rock
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Intermediate Technology
technology devised for the developing world which is simpler, cheaper, and more environmentally friendly than that of the developed world, and so is better suited to local resources and knowledge
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lines of weakness in a rock that water can pass along
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Over Abstraction
when water is being used more quickly that its being replaced
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allowing water to pass through
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the presence of chemicals, noise, dirt or other substances which have harmful or poisonous effects on an environment
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small air spaces found in a rock or other material that can be filled with water
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when moisture falls from the atmosphere - as rain, hail sleet or snow
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Regulated Flow
the steady movement of water through a drainage basin that will not bring flash flooding
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River Pollution
the emission of harmful or poisonous substances into river water (or their presence in the river)
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Through flow
the flow of rainwater sideways through the soil, towards the river
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movement processes of the Earth's water, including evaporation, precipitation and overland flow
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Water Harvesting
storing rainwater or used water ('grey water') for use in periods of drought
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Water Store
a build-up of water that has collected on or below the ground, or in the atmosphere
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Water Table
the level below the ground which is saturated
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the part of the Earth and atmosphere in which organisms exist
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the outer layers of the Earth's surface (the crust and upper mantle)
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is the combined process of; Evaporation - the changing of water from a liquid to a gas (water vapour) due to the heat of the sun, and , Transpiration - the movement of water through a plant and its loss into the atmosphere as water vapour
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Blue Water
the water contained in lakes, reservoirs, rivers and aquifers - accessible for human use
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Tube Wells
are built where the water table is too deep to be reached by a hand dug well
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


the chopping down and removal of trees to clear an area of forest.



Card 3


a community of plants and animals that interact with each other and their physical environment.


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Card 4


water contained beneath the surface, as a reserve


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Card 5


the global stores of water and linking processes that connect them


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