Volpone critics

  • Created by: Lea
  • Created on: 22-03-15 15:50
Sean McEvoy about Celia
"Celia refuses to be turned into a commodity. Her marital chastity is not negotiable."
1 of 10
Sean McEvoy about Lady Politic's behaviour
"Lady Pol's behaviour is certainly quite scandalous to respectable English opinion."
2 of 10
Sean McEvoy about Lady Politic's character
"She is funny in a straight-forward way" / "turned herself into a kind of automaton, a parody courteson."
3 of 10
How Wheale describes Celia and Bonario
"innocent but frankly charmless young pair"
4 of 10
How Wheale describes Celia and Bonario's speech
"every speech they make can come across as remarkably dull, frozen with conventional forms."
5 of 10
How Wheale describes Volpone's performance as Scoto of Mantua
"a brilliant demonstration of the Fox's rhetorical command and theatrical nature."
6 of 10
How Wheale describes Venice
"an intensified version of London [...] more ingeniously cruelly absurd."
7 of 10
Tulip about Mosca
"Jonson has elevated the least of the social creatures to a level of heroic discourse."
8 of 10
N. King about Volpone
"His pretense of sickness comes to be seen as a satirical manifestation of his inward corruption."
9 of 10
N. King about the characters in Volpone
"Nobody is positively likeable in Volpone, but one is tempted to admire Volpone and Mosca."
10 of 10

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Card 2


"Lady Pol's behaviour is certainly quite scandalous to respectable English opinion."


Sean McEvoy about Lady Politic's behaviour

Card 3


"She is funny in a straight-forward way" / "turned herself into a kind of automaton, a parody courteson."


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


"innocent but frankly charmless young pair"


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


"every speech they make can come across as remarkably dull, frozen with conventional forms."


Preview of the back of card 5
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