Vargas Landslide Case Study

  • Created by: StevenFox
  • Created on: 23-03-16 20:45
When did the Vargas landslide occur?
15th December 1999
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How many centimeters of rain fell in the 52 hours prior to the landslide?
2 of 17
What did the nearby Cordilla de Lacosta mountain range consist of (Geology-wise)
Easily eroded clay
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How many million cub metres of deposits came down the mountain?
1.2 million cubic metres
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What was the estimate of deaths?
Between 15,000 and 30,000
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How many people became refugees?
6 of 17
How many were affected?
7 of 17
How much did the disaster cost in damages?
Around $2.5 billion
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How many buildings were swept away?
452 buildings
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Why was there a huge loss in tourism?
People simply didn't want to visit - Wasn't attractive, safe, no facilities...
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How many metres of debris were some places buried in?
5 metres
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How much was certain parts of the coastline extended by?
50 metres
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How many people were temporarily evacuated?
100,000 people
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Why did the President refuse help from the USA?
Didnt want to look weak, like he couldn't handle his own problems
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Why was there a decrease in government help?
The President Chavez became distracted, due to political squabbles, abandoning attention to the issue
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What system was set up within the mountains?
A tripwire system, that is triggered by landslides, and gives advanced warnings to the population below
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Why can people still be founded within ruined buildings?
They're homeless - They have not been provided with shelter
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Card 2


How many centimeters of rain fell in the 52 hours prior to the landslide?



Card 3


What did the nearby Cordilla de Lacosta mountain range consist of (Geology-wise)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many million cub metres of deposits came down the mountain?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the estimate of deaths?


Preview of the front of card 5
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