Other questions in this quiz

2. What does the E mean?

  • Extent - how many people it affects
  • Explanation - can you offer an explanation or reason for these sudden feelings of happiness, are they unexplained?

3. How was this an empirical observation?

  • Bentham could see that people desire pleasure and seek to avoid pain
  • He looked at science and the reactions are bodies have to pain
  • He looked back at history

4. What was the felicific calculus also known as?

  • The happiness equation
  • The 'hedonic' or 'utility' calculus
  • The utilitarianism principle

5. What does utilitarianism urge to do?

  • create the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people
  • Calculate everyone's happiness to make sure it's equal
  • Measures an individual's happiness and then looks at the life to see if their is a link


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