USSR ; est. 1-party state '17-'24 ; growing centralisation power

power became centralised into whose hands?
1 of 101
why did system established for quick decision making become entrenched after the civil war?
those with power were unwilling to give it p
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what were lenin's two official positions in government?
chair of sovnarkom / politburo member
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what type of leadership did lenin prefer?
collective leadership
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issues could be discussed before decisions were to be made
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in 1919 what did he say about all suggestions of personal dictatorship?
'utter nonsense'
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however, many bolsheviks saw lenin as a source of?
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and expected him to provide?
strong leadership
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when party faced with difficult heated decisions how could lenin bring everyone into line?
threaten resign from Party position
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he did this over what major decision in 1918?
treaty of brest-litovsk
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and the adoption of what policy in 1921?
new economic policy
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yet from 1922 onward what was what was lenin's power to exert influence over party and government limited by?
severe illness
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what did he suffer from as his health deteriorated?
series of strokes
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when was his third stroke (m/y)?
march 1923
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what happened to him after this?
lost ability to speak except in monosyllables
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and what did he remain for the last year of his life?
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what had power been centralised to rather than authority of lenin?
party structure
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why had many joined the Party in absence of virtually all other political forces?
to further their career prospects in the new regime
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but weren't neccesasrily?
committed communists
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what ensured development of a more committed communist bureaucracy?
nomenklatura system
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which involved drawing up lists of?
approved party employees suitable for certain jobs
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from which?
appointments could be made
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what did this system encourage?
loyalty to party leaders
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if you weren't loyal what would you lose?
place on list and chance at promotion
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who administered this centralisation tool?
general secretary
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by '24 membership reached around?
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which entailed large organisation peopled by?
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who were beginning to form what within themselves?
their own class
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what kind of attitudes did this class tend to have?
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rather than aimed at benefitting who?
industrial proletariat
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by '22 bolsheviks were strong enough to extend Party control where?
outlying regions of Russian empire
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Bolshevik tactics were to send in who?
red army
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while encouraging local Bolsheviks to do what?
stage unrest
36 of 101
organising mass demonstrations + street violence
37 of 101
when was the constitution finally established?
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what does ussr stand for?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
39 of 101
what kind of state was the ussr in theory?
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but in practice tightened authority where and to who?
communist party in moscow
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what were party bodies in republics (like ukraine) firmly under?
control of central party structure
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who did soviet constitution confirm power of?
communist party in state
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but did give some representation to who?
party members from each republic
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what did the name USSR also emphasise?
that this was a formally federal system
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because there was no use of what word in the name of the new state?
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however in what way especially did russians have advantage over other republics?
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bc russia made up what % land-area?
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and what % population?
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in addition what fraction communist party were russian?
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who implemented this terror?
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headed by?
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which was a party committee formed when (y/m)?
december 1917
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to deal with which three things?
counter-revolution / sabotage / speculation
55 of 101
and was soon operating how?
outside the law
56 of 101
also dealt with enemies where?
inside the party
57 of 101
and played a key role in esablishing central control over?
party apparatus
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what city and building was the cheka based in?
lubyanka building, moscow
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what two things happened here?
arrests planned and prisoners tortured
60 of 101
also carried otu what without using official courts?
executions of suspects
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what kind of people had been arrested in august 1918?
left-wing opponents
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after what significant event?
attempted assassination on lenin
63 of 101
what were further waves of terror in '21/2 known as?
the Red Terror
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between 1917-1923 cheka was responsible for executions of up to how many ppl?
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secret police had how many members in december 1918?
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and how many in '21?
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in 1922 post-civil war what was cheka replaced by?
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what two things did terror become more?
bureaucratic / discreet
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also directed attention where?
within the party
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what was the big purge of the party known as?
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which stands for?
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in which time?
1918 / early 20s
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under lenin around what fraction of the party were purged?
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what two things were needed to maintain discipline and order?
intimidation and purges
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in what kind of a party?
rapidly expanding
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therefore intimidation directed at which three types of people within the party?
adventurers / drunkards / hooligans
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what type of group were the bolsheviks?
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so fear and intimidaion were esential mechanisms for maintaining what?
their power
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especially in circumstances of?
civil war
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what does fact use of terror cont'd after civil war suggest?
lack of confidence by Bolsheviks
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what was the name of the clown victim in the moscow circus?
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what was his act even though hardly a serious threat?
anti-bolshevik jokes
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@ end of life what did lenin seem to dev. obsession with?
use of terror
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with specific interest in execution fo who?
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what does this seem to indicate lenin was developing use of terror for
own individual agenda
86 of 101
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what did central control not always extend to?
remote areas
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government in these areas was chaotic and provided opportunities for what two corrupt groups of people?
local mafia and black marketeers
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it would also be wrong to assume 'on party unity' did what?
stifled all debate
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which two people opposed lenin's decision to launch revolution in 1917?
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what was there firece debate within party whether to accept in 1918?
treaty of brest-litovsk
92 of 101
what did NEP in '21 lead to formation of?
left and right wing factions within party
93 of 101
the role of what was to be a source of debate within the arty?
trade unions
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which two people led the Workers' Opposition Group?
Alexander Shliapnikov + Alexandra Kollontai
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and what did their group favour?
greater role for trade unions
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which tow evets in '21 + '20 was this discussed at?
Ninth and Tenth patrty congress
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what did lenin take action to do?
crush group
98 of 101
but didn't prevent other groups such as what from emerging?
Workers' Truth
99 of 101
when was stalin appointed general secretary?
100 of 101
part of his role was to keep an eye on what within the party?
potential opposition
101 of 101

Other cards in this set

Card 2


why did system established for quick decision making become entrenched after the civil war?


those with power were unwilling to give it p

Card 3




Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what were lenin's two official positions in government?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what type of leadership did lenin prefer?


Preview of the front of card 5
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