
Millionaire city
Urban area with over 1 million people living there, E.g. Budapest
1 of 9
Mega city
Urban area with over 10 million people living there, E.g. Mumbai in India
2 of 9
World city
City that has an influence over the whole world. These are centres for trade, business, culture and science. E.g. London, Tokyo and New York
3 of 9
What are the four processes that affect the populations of cities
Urbanisation, suburbanisation, re-urbanisation and counter urbanisation
4 of 9
The growth in urban population of a country
5 of 9
Movement of people from the city center from inner city areas to suburban areas
6 of 9
counter urbanisation
The movement of people from cities to rural areas
7 of 9
The movement of people back to the city center
8 of 9
Example of an area suffering from rapid urbanisation
Mumbai, India
9 of 9

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Card 2


Urban area with over 10 million people living there, E.g. Mumbai in India


Mega city

Card 3


City that has an influence over the whole world. These are centres for trade, business, culture and science. E.g. London, Tokyo and New York


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Card 4


Urbanisation, suburbanisation, re-urbanisation and counter urbanisation


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Card 5


The growth in urban population of a country


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