Urban Change

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 15-11-14 14:06
Land the Settlement is on
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Were the Location is
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Reason of Settlement
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Linear Settlement
Long Lines of Houses on each side of the road (ribbon development)
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Nucleated Settlement
Houses Clusted together
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Dispersed Settlemnet
House Scattered (e.g Individual farms)
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How easy it is to get some where and the conditions
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Area people travel to get to a place
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Central Place
A Settlement which provides good and services to the surrounding area
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Settlement Hierarchy
Diffrent ranks (size of settlement) Usally getting bigger and less as they get bigger
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Sphere of Influence (or Urban Field)
Different factors that effect where people go
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The maxuim distance people will travel to get goods
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Threshold Population
The minium number of customers to keep a business open
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Convenience Goods (Low-order Goods)
Everyday items
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Comparison Goods(High-order Goods)
Exsepnsive not every day goods
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Central Business District (CBD)
The Centre of the city usally with shops and offices
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Zone of Transition (Change)
Inner City with on going change with factory and older residents
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Bid-rent Theory
Higher House prices in the CBD and lower costing house further towards the Suburds
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The Percentage (%) of people living in cities increase
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Urban Expansion leads to rural areas becoming urban development
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Comprehensive Redevelopment
The clearing of sites in Urban areas in order to rebuild
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Good Qualitiy Refibishments
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Urban Sprawl
Uncontrolled growth of cities
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A proportion from a city move out to find better living conditions in a New town
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Reasons for People to move
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Satellite Towns
Overspill town
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Dormitory Town
New development to live
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Rural-Urban Fringe
Town meets the countryside
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Greenfield Site
Easy land to build on
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Green Belt
An area where no building is allowed (10% of England)
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Squatter Settlement/ Shanty Town/ Informal Settlemnet
Unplanned Development
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Towns are so big they join anothe town
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New Towns
Anew town made by overspill
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A city with the largest population
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1950 Largest Cities
Tokyo, Shanghai, Kolkata, Moscow, Rhine Ruhr, Paris, London, New York, Chicago, Benlenos Aires
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2005 Largest Cities
Jakarfa, Tokyo, Shanghai, Kolkata, Dehli, Mumbai, New York, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Benlenos Aires
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Land Use in a British City 1
Geagrahper called Burgess saw that cities grew out woulds from the CBD in a set of Concentric Rings.
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Land Use in a British City 2
These were based on the Age of the house and the Wealth of the residents
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Land Use in a British City 3
Accessibility-main roads but an increase of congestion
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Land Use in a British City 4
Land Value- High priced land in the CBD as a result high-rise buildings
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Land Use in a British City 5
Wealth-poorer people tend to live near the CBD and richer further out
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Land Use in a British City 6
Redevelopment change sine the 19th Century
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Urban Fringe
Land is Cheaper, less traffic, easier access, nicer place to live, open space
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Green Field
Housing Development, factors, reatail parks, offices, hotels, roads, sewage workd, sports stadim
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Shanty town
On edge of a town
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Shanty Settlement
Poor living conditions
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Favelas (named after a wild flower that grew on the hill around Rio De Janerio) shanty settlements
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Better quaility shanty settlement
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Marginal Land
Land nobody else needs
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Card 2




Were the Location is

Card 3




Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Linear Settlement


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Nucleated Settlement


Preview of the front of card 5
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