Upper School Vocabulary Quiz 1

This is to test on meanings of hard vocabulary. If you get something wrong, don't give up; the only way you can learn new vocabulary here is by learning what you should've chosen as right definition.


1. Aberration

  • a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one
  • feeling or characterized by great anger
  • leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. Adversity

  • the state of being naïve, that is to say, having or showing a lack of experience
  • a difficult or unpleasant situation
  • leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully

3. Accolade

  • an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit
  • leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully
  • a difficult or unpleasant situation

4. Absolve

  • a difficult or unpleasant situation
  • declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment
  • lacking interest or excitement; dull

5. Abstinence

  • the practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol or sex
  • a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one
  • of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one


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