Other questions in this quiz

2. What, other than medical uses, do Ultrasound waves have?

  • Detecting fish in the sea.
  • Detecting metal under the sand (metal detectors).
  • Detecting oil on the sea bed.
  • Cleaning glass.

3. What is an advantage of using Ultrasound waves instead of X-rays for medical scanning?

  • Ultrasound scanners are cheaper to use than X-ray machines.
  • Ultrasound waves are non-ionising and therefore harmless when used for scanning.
  • Ultrasound waves produce better images than X-rays.
  • Ultrasound waves can be used to treat cancerous cells.

4. What frequency range of sound waves can the human ear hear?

  • 10Hz to 10 000Hz
  • 20Hz to 20 000Hz
  • 50Hz to 50 000Hz
  • 5Hz to 5 000Hz

5. Why do Ultrasound scans reacquire gel?

  • To ensure that there is no air between the ultrasound transducer and the patients skin.
  • To ensure that the ultrasound transducer glides smoothly over the patients skin.
  • To attract the ultrasound waves back to the transducer to create an image on the screen.
  • To ensure that the ultrasound waves can tell the difference between the air and the patient.


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