Types of Electoral System introduction and plurality systems (FPTP)

Types of electoral systems and examples

  • Created by: H
  • Created on: 10-02-13 17:42
Define 'majoritarian representation'
A political system which tends to throw up a government that enjoys a majority within representative institutions and can therefore dominate party politics
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Define 'electoral system'
A system that converts votes in an election into seats. Also refers to electing a single leader such as mayor or president
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Define 'majority systems'
Electoral systems where the winning candidate is required to win an overall majority (more than 50% of the votes cast)
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Define 'plurality systems'
Electoral systems where the winning candidate does not need to win an overall majority but needs more votes than any other candidates
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Define 'proportional representation'
Any electoral system that converts votes into seats in a broadly proportional way
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In a majoritarian/plurality electoral system it is not necessary to gain more than 50% of votes to win an election, so what is necessary?
To gain a plurality which is more votes than any other candidate
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Name an example of a majoritarian/plurality electoral system?
FPTP system (first-past-the-post system)
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FPTP can be summed up as?
Simple majorities in single-member constituencies
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What is the FPTP system used for?
Used in the UK to elect MPs to the HofC in general elections
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Briefly explain FPTP system...
The electorate vote for a single MP to represent their constituency in HofC and deal with their grievances, by marking an X next to chosen candidate on ballot paper
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Disproportionality is an effect of the FPTP system, explain this...
There is no proportionate link between the number of votes cast and the number of seats gained because the system is concerned with electing individuals not representing parties
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Bias is an effect of the FPTP system, explain how
The system discriminates in favour of larger parties and against smaller parties with dispersed support
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FPTP delivers what in most cases?
Single party government with a clear mandate
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define 'electoral system'


A system that converts votes in an election into seats. Also refers to electing a single leader such as mayor or president

Card 3


Define 'majority systems'


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define 'plurality systems'


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define 'proportional representation'


Preview of the front of card 5
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