Other questions in this quiz

2. What is a mutagenic agent?

  • Something that stops mutations
  • Something that slows down the formation of tumours
  • Something that increases the rate of a mutation
  • Something that causes cancer

3. How does hypermethylation cause tumours?

  • The tumour suppressor cells produce too much of the protein for cell division causing uncontrollable growth of tumours
  • Transcription cannot happen when tumour suppressor genes are hypermethylated which means proteins for slowing down cell division aren't made. This causes uncontrollable cell division and tumours develop
  • The proto-oncogenes act as oncogenes meaning the proteins for cell division are over-produce. This causes uncontrollable cell division
  • The proto-oncogenes do not produce enough of the protein which slows down cell division meaning cell division becomes rapid and uncontrollable.

4. What do proto-oncogenes do?

  • They produce proteins which make cells divide
  • They produce enzymes that cause cell division
  • They produce proteins which stop cell division
  • They produce enzymes which cause apoptosis

5. How does oestrogen cause breast cancer?

  • Oestrogen stimulates meiosis
  • Oestrogen stimulates cell division
  • Oestrogen causes cell division
  • Oestrogen suppresses cell division


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