its the trends in group 2 element, i hope it helps :)

  • Created by: Nawal
  • Created on: 02-05-11 07:14

1. Which one of the following is the correct trend for melting points down Group 2 elements?

  • As we go down the group, the melting points DECREASE because the sea of delocalised electrons are further away from the positive nucleus which means the strength of metallic bond decreases
  • As we go down the group, the melting points INCREASE because the metals have giant structures
  • As we go down the group, the melting points INCREASE because the sea of delocalised electrons are closer to the postive nucleus. So that means the strength of metallic bonds increases.
  • I dont know :(
1 of 11

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the trend of ionisation energies down Group 2 elements?

  • Im not sure
  • AS we go down the group,Ionisation energy DECREASEs because the electrons are getting further and further away from the positive nucleus. This makes the electrons easy to remove so it would only take little energy
  • As we go down the group ,Ionisation energy INCREASES because the Electrons in the outer shell are closer to the nucleus. This makes it difficullt to remove the electrons so therefore would need a lot of energy to do so.

3. Magnesium hydroxide is used in indigestion?

  • True
  • False

4. What is the trend in solubilities of hydroxides?

  • As we go down the group they become more soluble
  • As we go up, they become more soluble
  • i dont know

5. When the group 2 metals react with water,what is the trend in reactivity?

  • The metals get more reactive as we go down the group
  • The metals get more reactive as we go up the group
  • reaction? metals? water?? :(


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