Traditional Marxism

  • Created by: lw121x
  • Created on: 16-06-15 20:45
Criminogenic capitalism
the very nature which makes it inevitable
1 of 35
Gordon argues that
crime is a rational response to capitalism
2 of 35
who saus that official statistic makes it appear crime WC phenomenum
3 of 35
poverty means that
only way working class with survive
4 of 35
crime may be the only way to get..... goods that capitalsm promotes
5 of 35
Law enforcement serves the
capitalist class
6 of 35
laws protect private property are the cornerstone to economy
7 of 35
The ruling class have to power to..... laws if they do not defend their own interests
8 of 35
who says that the capitlaist satte is reluctant topass laws regulating buisness or threaten profitability
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ideological functions of laws
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keeping fit for work NHS appear caring not
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divides working class making them
blame criminals for their probelms not capitalism
12 of 35
Selective enforcement
CJS only look at powerless
13 of 35
Reiman found that
higher class people less likely convicted crime
14 of 35
who argues that corporate crime is under policed
15 of 35
traditional marxists ignore
ethnicity and gender
16 of 35
traditional marxists are too deterministic on
the working class
17 of 35
Japan homocide rate is 1.6% compared to USA
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CJS prosecutions on upper class
do occur
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Left realists argue that Marxists focuses largely on the powerful
but ignotres intra-class crimes
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Neo Marxism
combine marx and labelling theory
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who agrees to an extent with traditional marxists (neo marx)
22 of 35
Taylor eta l
caitalist society based on exploitation and class conflict, state enforce laws interest upper, cap should be replaced by a classless society
23 of 35
Taylor is (neo marx)
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Taylor accepts volutentary decesion to commit crime
goes agianst trad marx view
25 of 35
taylor argues that crime is a political move
to redisribute wealth
26 of 35
Neo marxists believe that tehy are
deliberely striving to change society
27 of 35
Taylor wants a society where... and ..... Just because they different labelled deviant , instead dree to live their lives
liberty and diversity
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who aimed to create 'a full thery of deviance'
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a full theory =
labelling and traditional marxism
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Taylor used six points ie. wider orgins of act
to create a full theory
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neo marxists are cricised
for being gender blind
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evaluation point for critical criminology (neo lib) - romaticises criminals as 'robin hood' fighting against capitalism
Neo liberal
33 of 35
Left realisist crique neo marx
taylor does not take seriously impact of working class victims
34 of 35
who says that new marxists are too idealistic
35 of 35

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Gordon argues that


crime is a rational response to capitalism

Card 3


who saus that official statistic makes it appear crime WC phenomenum


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


poverty means that


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


crime may be the only way to get..... goods that capitalsm promotes


Preview of the front of card 5
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