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6. Chlorine undergoes ___(a)___ fission under __(b)__ to begin a ______(c)______ reaction

  • (a)Homolytic (b) Sunlight and warm conditions (c) Nucleophilic substitution
  • (a) Homolytic (b) UV light (c) Free radical substitution
  • (a) Heterolytic (b)UV light (c) Free radical substitution
  • (a) Heterolytic (b) Acid conditions (c) Electrophlic substitution

7. Why is 2-Bromopropane the major product of the reaction of propene and HBr?

  • It is not, the products are equally likely as propene is symmetrical
  • There is less steric hinderance for the reaction compared to 1-Bromopropane
  • Because the intermediary carbocation is more stable (the charge is spread over more atoms)
  • The H will attack where there are fewer H's already

8. What is a functional group?

  • The -COOH in an alcohol , for example
  • A group of atoms or an atom which give a compound distinctive properties
  • The columns of the periodic table
  • A family of molecules that all have a homologous series attatched

9. Which of these halogenalkanes would form a precipitate first when aqeous silver nitrate is added?

  • 2-iodo-3,3-dimethylheptane
  • 1-chlorobutane
  • 2-iodo-2-methylpropane
  • 2-fluroethane

10. What is the product of a halogenalkane reacting with KOH under ethanolic conditions?

  • A salt and water
  • An alkene, water and KX (elimination)
  • An alcohol with a halogen group (addition)
  • An alcohol and KX (subsitution)

11. The C=C double bond is....

  • ....made of p-orbitals that overlap sideways to form a sigma bond, split in electron density above and below the nuclei plane
  • ... not quite twice as strong as the C-C bond, due to the presence of the pi bond
  • ...made of 2 pi bonds, overlapping end-on
  • ... more than twice as strong as the C-C bond due to the electron-dense sigma bond

12. Why does But-1-ene not exhibit steroisomerism ?

  • It has the same group (two H's) attatched to one carbon in the C=C bond
  • Because it has different groups attached to the central C=C
  • It exhibits E/Z but not Cis/Trans due to the varying groups attached to the C=Cs
  • Because it is a functional group isomer of But-2-ene

13. What are some of the issues with bioethanol and biodisel?

  • It is not as close to carbon neutral as some fossil fuels such as coal
  • Engines will have to be drastically remodeled to run it
  • It uses large areas of land and has substantial costs in processing and manufacture
  • It is non renewable

14. Is C2F4 (a) An organic compound? (b) A Hydrocarbon? (c) Saturated?

  • (a) Yes. It contains mainly carbon (b) No, it contains flourine (c) No, It has a double bond
  • (a) No, It contains flourine (b) No, there is no hydrogen (c) Yes, it has the full number atoms bonded to each C
  • (a) Yes because it has Cs (b) Yes because it is organic (c) No because the carbons can have 2 more atoms bonded
  • (a) No, it has a halogen and no hydrogen (b) No, it doesn't contain H and Cs only (c) Yes, carbon can only make 4 bonds

15. What reagent is used to convert a primary alcohol to a chloroalkane?

  • Cl2
  • KCl and H2SO4
  • PCl5
  • HCl

16. Momomers are...

  • The alkenes that form a polymer
  • The singular repeat units that form a polymer (after the double bond has been broken)
  • Alkenes with only one C=C double bond
  • Alkanes that form polymers by addition reactions

17. What is the catalyst for the hydration of ethene into ethanol?

  • Iron
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Nickel
  • Potassium (VIII) manganate

18. Which formulae type is this: "A zig-zag line where every bend and end is a carbon atom"

  • Skeletal
  • Displayed
  • Structural
  • Emprical