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6. Describe the structure of an amino acid

  • An amino acid attatched to a carboxyl group and a carbon atom
  • An R group
  • An amino group, a carboxyl group, a carbon atom and an R group
  • A carboxyl group attatched to an amino group

7. What is a saturated fatty acid?

  • One where each carbon atom is joined to the next one in the chain by a single covalent bond
  • One where each carbon atom is joined to the next one in the chain by a double covalent bond
  • One where each carbon atom is joined to the next one in the chain by a triple ionic bond
  • One where each hydrogen atom is joined to the next one in the chain by a single covalent bond

8. What is hydrolysis?

  • A reaction in which bonds are broken by the addition of a molecule of water
  • A bond between carbon atoms
  • A reaction in which bonds are broken by the removal of a molecule of water
  • A reaction in which water is made

9. Dissacharides can be split by

  • Hydrolisis of glycosidic bonds
  • condensation of glycosidic bonds
  • hydrolysis of ester bonds
  • condensation of ester bonds

10. What is a primary structure?

  • The sequence of amino acids that make a polypeptide chain joined by peptide bonds
  • The sequence of globular proteins that makeup a polypeptide chain joined by peptide bonds
  • The helix or pleated sheet shape
  • The sequence of amino acids that makeup a polypeptide chain joined by ester bonds