the urinary system

  • Created by: cat
  • Created on: 11-04-14 15:21
what does the urinary system consist of?
2 Kidneys, 2 ureters, 1 urinary bladder and 1 urethra
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what are the functions of the Kidney?
regulation of: blood ionic composition, blood pH, osmolarity, glucose, blood volume (conserving/eliminating water), blood pressure, release of erythroprotien and calcitriol and excretion of waste and foreign substances.
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In the regulation of blood pressure what enzyme is secreted and what is it's function?
The enzyme Renin is secreted and its function is to constrict blood vessels and adjusting renal resistance.
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what does erythroprotien and calcitriol do?
erythroprotien controls red blood cell production and calcitriol increases ca2+ ions in the blood.
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what is nephroptosis?
A condition in which the kidney is no longer held in place by other organs or its covering fat as such the kidney 'drops' from its normal position. occurs in thin ppl.This condition is dangerous as the ureters may kink and block urine flow.
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what is the functional part of the kidney?
the renal cortex and the renal pyramids
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what is the functional unit of the kidney?
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what does a nephron consist of?
a renal corpuscule where fluid is filtered and a renal tubule in to which the filtered fluid passes
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What are the three processes responsible for the formation of urine?
glomeruler filtration, tubular filtration and tubular reabsorption
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what is formed in the renal tubule during filtration?
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what does the renal tubule consist of?
proximal convoluted tubule, loop of henle and distal convoluted tubule.
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what does secretion involve?
the movement of unfiltered substances in to the filtrate
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where does the filtrate formed by the nephron's drain in to?
papillary ducts then in to minor and major calyces
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when does the filtrate become urine?
when it enters the calyces, because no further reabsorbtion can take place
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what are the two types of nephrons?
cortical nephron and juxtamedullary nephron
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what is the difference between the two types of nephrons?
the cortical nephron has its glomerulus in the outer portion of the cortex and a short loop of henle, the juxamudullary nephron has its glomerulus deep in the cortex and its loop of henle stretches through the medulla
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The efferent arterioles divide to form......?
the peritubular capillaries which surround the tubular parts of the nephron in the renal cortex and vasa recta supply blood to the loop of henle.
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name the blood vessels the blood has to flow through the kidneys.
renal artery>segmental arteries>interlobar arteries>arcuate arteries>interlobular arteries>afferent arterioles>glomerular capillaries>efferent arterioles>peritubular capillaries,vasa recta>interlobular veins>arcuate veins>interlobar veins>segmental
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what does the juxtoglomerular apparatus do?
It regulates blood pressure and control the rate of filtration.
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name three parts of the juxtoglomerular apparatus.
granular cells-release renin, macula densa-detec NaCl, Extra glomerular mesangial cell
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bowman's capsule/ glomerular capsule consists of two layers. what are these layers called?
viseral (podocyte) and parietal layer
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what type of cell's are the viseral and parietal layer made of?
viseral: modified simple squamous epithelial cells. parietal layer: simple squamous epithilial cells
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The collecting ducts are made up of two types of cells, these are?
principal cells: receptors for ADH and aldosterone and intercalated cells: play a role in the homeostasis of blood pH
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the functions of the Kidney?


regulation of: blood ionic composition, blood pH, osmolarity, glucose, blood volume (conserving/eliminating water), blood pressure, release of erythroprotien and calcitriol and excretion of waste and foreign substances.

Card 3


In the regulation of blood pressure what enzyme is secreted and what is it's function?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does erythroprotien and calcitriol do?


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Card 5


what is nephroptosis?


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