The Teleological Argument 3

I'm predicting teleological to come up and specifically Aquinas or Darwin as they have not yet made their single appearances!


1. Hume argued similar effects cannot imply similar causes, as we would have to experience the beginning of the universe

  • True
  • False
1 of 12

Other questions in this quiz

2. Other than Paley's analogy of the watch what evidence can be used to show support of design?

  • Eyeball and Fish fins
  • Mountain and paws
  • Camera and hands/paws
  • Eyeball and mountains

3. Who argued that the world was one of chance and natural selection

  • Swinburne
  • Flew
  • Darwin
  • Mill

4. What was the 'anthropic principle'?

  • such conditions (in reply to evolution) cannot be down to chance
  • beauty is existing around the world which cannot be due to natural selection
  • if the world was due to chance and natural selection then why are there still malfunctions in human life

5. Hume argues further that, if a house and universe are similar, just as we'd blame the builder for a faulty house can we blame a faulty designer.. why does Paley disagree?

  • Paley did not dispute this argument, Flew did
  • the issue was whether the universe showed design and not quality concerning the design
  • a builder cannot be forever responsible for problems as time creates problems, the world began perfect
  • this argument would be inconsistent with his rejection of analogy


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