The Nervous System

  • Created by: naomi2310
  • Created on: 24-12-14 11:57

1. What is the difference between a receptor and a sense organ?

  • Sense organs e.g the eye contain light receptors.
  • Sense organs are groups of cells which are sensitive to a stimulus, Receptors contain these sense organs
  • Receptors are groups of cells which are sensitive to a stimulus, Sense Organs contain these receptors
  • Sense organs contain myelin sheath and neurones, which send impulses to the CNS. Receptors recieve this impulses
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2. Give two examples of effectors.

  • Muscles and glands are effectors. Muscles contract, Glands secrete hormones.
  • Muscles and organs are effectors. Muscles contract, Organs respond by changing.
  • Eyes and ears are effectors. Eyes detect light, Ears detect smell.
  • Muscles and skin are effectors. Muscles contract, skin relaxes.

3. Give five examples of stimuli

  • Touch, Sound, Pressure, Change in Temperature, Chemical
  • Sight, Pain, Chemical, Temperature, Smell

4. Define what neurones do.

  • Neurones transmit information (as electrical impulses) very quickly to and from the CNS
  • Neurones transmit information (as electrical impulses) away from the CNS
  • Neurones transmit information (as electrical impulses) very quickly to and from the CNS
  • Neurones control information (as chemical signals) very quickly to and from the CNS

5. Define what receptors do.

  • They change stimulus energy into electrical impulses
  • They recieve the stimulus and respond accordingly
  • They send information to the CNS
  • They lose their energy and stop moving


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