The Munich Putsch

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 28-09-14 15:46
What party now governed Bavaria and under who?
THe conservative Catholic regime under Gustav von Kahr
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What did Kahr want for bavaria?
A nationalist Right brought together to form a bloc so he could turn Bavaria into a 'cell' and an oasis of order,
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What party supported him and who was in cahrge?
The Nazi party under Adolf Hilter,
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Describe Hitler's younger life until August 1914?
-Born in Upper Austria in 1889, -Left school in 1905 with no academic qualificationsm -Rejected for a place at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, -lived an impoverish life in Munich,
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What was Hitler's life like in August 1914 to 1918?
He joined the Bavarian regiment and fought for four years on the Western front and was awarded the Iron Cross. -1918 he was wounded in a gas attack but was able to return to regiment in Munich later,
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How did Hilter meet the German workers party?
When Hitler was part of the regiment in April 1919 to stopp the spread of communist propaganda amongst troops,
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When did Hilter establish complete control over the party and how was this strengthened?
1922 and it was strengthened due to the creation of the SA in 1921 as the Right wing force in bavaria,
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In early September 1923, what did the NAzi party join and what was it?
They joined the Kampfbund that mean Fighting League with other right-wing military groups in Bavaria
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Who were the Kampfbund against?
The Republic Government
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What was Hitler's role in the plan?
His job was to win over public opinion to support a Putsch in Munich
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What would the Putsch establish?
It would be a preliminary to establishing a dictatorship in Berlin which would most likely be led by Ludendorff
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To be successful, who were the three men the Kampfbund needed?
von Kahr- Bavarian State Commisioner, von Seisser, head of the Bavarian police and General von Lossow, COmmander of the Bavarian Reichswehr
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Which would not support Hitler and why?
von kahr as he was not willing to oppose the elected and legal Government in Berlin
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Why did Hitler need von Kahr?
As the other members have doubts about the Putsch's success if he didnt agree and they couldnt delay the Putsch as his followers wanted action,
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What did Hitler decided to do?
He decided to kidnap von Kahr and seized him and his colleagues at the beer hall on 8th November and forced him to accept,
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What went wrong after forcing von Kahr to accept?
Hitler had to leave and left him in charge of Ludendorff who let him go once he gave them his word of honour but he did not keep it and police broke up the kampfburg
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How many people were injured in the arrest?
16 Nazis and three policeman,
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Was Hitler arrested?
a few days later, Hitler was arrested by the police
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When was Hitler's trial and what sentence was he given?
In February 1924 and he was given the minimum of five years imprisonment
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What was the advantage for Hitler of gettign arrested?
The Putsch recieve publicity and gave Hitler worldwide publicity in media and he also had comfortable quarters,
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What did he write in prison?
Mein Kampf or My struggle
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When was Hitler released and how long was it he was imprisoned?
Relesed in September 1924 and was imprisoned for 10-11 months,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Kahr want for bavaria?


A nationalist Right brought together to form a bloc so he could turn Bavaria into a 'cell' and an oasis of order,

Card 3


What party supported him and who was in cahrge?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe Hitler's younger life until August 1914?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was Hitler's life like in August 1914 to 1918?


Preview of the front of card 5
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