The Existence of God

  • Created by: S
  • Created on: 01-04-13 12:53
Challenging First Cause Argument (cosmological)
What if the earth or universe always existed-what caused God's existence / What if there are many different universes / What if the universe caused itself ( Big Bang ) - then there is no eternal uncaused being / What created God?
1 of 5
Challenging Design Argument
Evolution- Natural selection chooses the best offspring / Adaptation to conditions / stronger characteristics survive Suffering - the world is not so perfect if people die and natural disasters happen.
2 of 5
Strong Anthropic Principle (Modern Design)
The world seems to ordered in such a way that life on earth was inevitable. If there was anything slightly changed about the world, it would not have appeared. The slightest change in gravity or distance from the sun, would mean we wouldn't exist.
3 of 5
Weak Anthropic Principle (Challenging Modern Design)
The world is this way because of random chance not design. If conditions were different, we would have evolved to those conditions.
4 of 5
Challenging Religious Experience
People may have made it up for attention / Mental illness / Why would God choose only some people to give religious experience to?
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Challenging Design Argument


Evolution- Natural selection chooses the best offspring / Adaptation to conditions / stronger characteristics survive Suffering - the world is not so perfect if people die and natural disasters happen.

Card 3


Strong Anthropic Principle (Modern Design)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Weak Anthropic Principle (Challenging Modern Design)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Challenging Religious Experience


Preview of the front of card 5


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