The commercialisation of housework: The impact of paid labour

Which 2 sociologsts emphasise economic factors?
Hilary Silver and Juliet Schor
1 of 7
What 2 economic developments have reduced the burden on women?
Commercialisation of housework and women in paid work
2 of 7
What does commercialisation of housework mean?
Goods and services that housewives previously had to produce themselves are now mass-produced and supplied by super-markets/fastfood outlets
3 of 7
What does women working mean ?
They can afford to buy goods that commercialise housework
4 of 7
How does Schor claim that this has affected the housewife role?
She argues that it has left to the "death of the housewife role"
5 of 7
What do critics argue about poor women?
For many poorer women, buying in expensive goods/services is not an option
6 of 7
What do critics say about domestic division of labour in regards to the commercialisation of housework?
Even if commercialisation has reduced the amount of housework to be done, this does not prove that couples are sharing the remaining chores equally
7 of 7

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Card 2


Commercialisation of housework and women in paid work


What 2 economic developments have reduced the burden on women?

Card 3


Goods and services that housewives previously had to produce themselves are now mass-produced and supplied by super-markets/fastfood outlets


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Card 4


They can afford to buy goods that commercialise housework


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Card 5


She argues that it has left to the "death of the housewife role"


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