The Cold War

  • Created by: Pooja
  • Created on: 05-05-13 22:24
The Yalta Conference
February 1945: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill managed to agree to split Germany into four zones of occupation, and to allow free elections in Eastern Europe. USSR was asked to join the United Nations. However there were tensions about Poland.
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The Potsdam Comference
July 1945: Germany had been defeated, Roosevelt had died and Churchill had lost the 1945 election, which led to open disagreements. Truman came away angry about the size of reparations and didn't tell Stalin of the atomic bomb.
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The buffer zone
Stalin wanted a zone of friendly states around USSR to prevent future invasion. Stalin believed it was necessary to maintain the safety of the USSR.
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The Fulton Speech
On 5th March 1946, at Fulton in America, Churchill gave a speech, which described the Soviet Bloc as an 'iron curtain'. USSR called it a declaration of war.
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The Iron Curtain
The iron curtain was a physical and ideological division between communism and capitalism in Europe.
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Truman Doctorine
In March 1947, the USA implemented a policy of 'containment' towards USSR to stop further expansion of communism
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Marshall Plan/Aid
Marshall believed that poverty was a breeding ground for Communism. In June 1947, America introduced 'Marshall Aid' - $17 billion to get Europe's economy going.
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In October 1947, cominform was set up to control all communist countries in Europe as Stalin forbade Communist countries to accept Marshall Aid.
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Communist took over as non-communist ministers resigned and foreign minister Jan Masaryk died under suspicious circumstances, which panicked the US senate into granting Marshall aid march 1948), However in the May 1948 elections, communism took over.
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USA, UK, France merged their Zones and became more prosperous than the Soviet Union.
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New Currency (The Deutsche mark)
Britain and America introduced a new currency which destabilised the east German economy. This was the cause of the Berlin Blockade, according to Stalin.
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Berlin Blockade
Stalin cut East Berlin's physical links with the West on 24th June 1948. He re-opened the borders on 12th March 1949.
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Berlin Airlift
In June 1948, the allies airlifted supplies into Berlin for ten months. By May 1949, It was clear that the Blockade had failed.
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NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
By 1949, A military alliance that contained most of the states in western Europe as well as USA & Canada was set up. It's purpose was to defend each of it's members from attack (defensive alliance against USSR).
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Warsaw Pact, 1955
It was the Soviet's response to NATO to protect communist countries from attck
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Card 2


July 1945: Germany had been defeated, Roosevelt had died and Churchill had lost the 1945 election, which led to open disagreements. Truman came away angry about the size of reparations and didn't tell Stalin of the atomic bomb.


The Potsdam Comference

Card 3


Stalin wanted a zone of friendly states around USSR to prevent future invasion. Stalin believed it was necessary to maintain the safety of the USSR.


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Card 4


On 5th March 1946, at Fulton in America, Churchill gave a speech, which described the Soviet Bloc as an 'iron curtain'. USSR called it a declaration of war.


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Card 5


The iron curtain was a physical and ideological division between communism and capitalism in Europe.


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