The Cold War

The Grand Alliance (1941- 45)
The Grand Alliance (1941- 45) • The Grand Alliance was made up of Britain, the USA and USSR only formed to defeat Hitler. • With him gone, their disputes and disagreements at conferences made it crumble. • The USSR believed in communism and the West
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The Tehran Conference (1943)
Here the Big Three: Roosevelt - USA, Churchill – Great Britain, Stalin - USSR. • Discussed what to do when Hitler was defeated. • They agreed on a Soviet 'sphere of influence' in Eastern Europe and a capitalist one in Western Europe. • They could not
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The Yalta Conference (Feb 1945)
The Big Three agreed that Poland would be communist • That the USSR would help the war against Japan • And that the United Nations would be set up. • They disagreed over Germany - especially about whether or not it should pay reparations. Stalin want
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The Potsdam Conference (July 1945)
Truman had replaced Roosevelt who had died, and Attlee had replaced Churchill. • The USA had also successfully tested the atomic bomb by this point, causing further mistrust with the USSR. • At Potsdam it was agreed to ban the Nazi Party and punish s
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The Long and Novikov Telegrams (1946)
An American diplomat in Moscow and the Soviet ambassador in the USA both sent telegrams home in 1946, warning about military build ups and the threats they posed to their country. • The telegrams contributed to the tension at the start of the Cold Wa
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The Truman Doctrine (1947)
US President Truman worried that communism would spread in Europe, so his doctrine said the USA would use military and economic means to stop it from spreading and to contain it.
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The Marshall Plan (1947)
The Marshall Plan aimed to reduce poverty to stop the spread of communism. • The USA offered $13 billion to rebuild Europe. Britain, France and 14 other nations took the help offered. • Communist countries in Eastern Europe were also offered this hel
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Satellite states
The Marshall Plan was a threat to the USSR. Stalin was worried it would buy influence in Easter European states and called it 'dollar imperialism'. • To try and stop this, he increased Soviet control over countries like Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Po
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Cominform (1947)
Cominform is the Communist Information Bureau. • It was an organisation which represented communist parties all over Europe. • It was used to ensure all Eastern European governments remained loyal to Stalin and his Communist rule.
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Comecon (1949)
Comecon is the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. • It was a rival to the Marshall Plan. • It encouraged trade and industry in Eastern Europe and discouraged trade with the West. • Was used to encourage economic development in Eastern Europe.
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Bizonia and Trizonia
The US and British zones in Germany were run so closely together that they became one unit, Bizonia. • It had good relations with the French zone. • In 1948, the Western Allies started to make the three zones a democratic, capitalist state, increasin
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The Berlin Blockade (1948 - 49)
The USSR tried to get all parts of Berlin to vote to become communist. • When they refused, it cut off all supply routes except from the USSR. • The aim was to prevent the new state, being set up by the Western allies, being run from Berlin. • Stalin
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The Berlin Airlift (1948 - 49)
This was the Western allies reaction to the Berlin Blockade. • They flew in supplies to their area of Berlin. • In the end it was clear to Stalin that the Western allies would not stop delivering supplies by air, and so he had to stop his blockade.
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Divided Germany (1949)
Germany was formally divided in two. In September, Western Germany became the Federal Republic of Germany. • In October, Eastern Germany became the German Democratic Republic.
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NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (1949)
This was set up in 1949, as a consequence of the Berlin blockade and airlift where tensions had been very high and war seemed close. • It was made up of the USA and its allies. • Its members promised to defend each other if attacked.
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The Warsaw Pact (1955)
The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet response to the creation of NATO. • It was a communist version, where the USSR and the satellite states promised to defend each other if attacked. • The creation of the Warsaw Pact now meant that Europe was divided mili
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Khrushchev and the secret speech (1956)
Khrushchev became Soviet leader after Stalin died in 1953. • His ‘Secret Speech’ promised to change Stalin’s policy and relax control of satellite states. • This gave some people in countries like Hungary hope that harsh rule would end.
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The Hungarian Uprising (1956) - Events
Following Khrushchev's secret speech there had been riots in Hungary demanding change. • The USSR agreed to remove Rakosi and put Nagy in charge of Hungary. • Nagy proposed reforms such as leaving the Warsaw Pact and allowing free elections in Hungar
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The Hungarian Uprising (1956) - Consequences
Khrushchev worried Nagy's reforms would go too far, and would set a trend which would see other satellite states trying to leave the Warsaw Pact. • The USSR sent 200,000 Soviet troops into Hungary to regain control. • The USA and UN disapproved, but
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Berlin Refugees (1949- 61)
Almost 3 million East Germans fled to West Germany between 1949 - 61. • Most went from East to West Berlin. One reason was that the East German government was very unpopular, and there was a feared secret police, the Stasi. • Another reason people l
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Berlin Crisis (1958)
It embarrassed the communist East that refugees preferred the West as it made it seem like capitalism was better. • Another major problem was that lots of the people leaving were skilled workers so the East German economy was suffering as there were
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The 3 Summits (1959)
Khrushchev and President Eisenhower agreed to discuss Berlin. • Khrushchev withdrew his ultimatum. • They met in Geneva and then again at Camp David in the USA. • They met again in Paris in 1960, but could not agree what to do about Berlin. Before t
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The 4th Summit (1960 - 61)
Khrushchev met the new president, Kennedy, in Geneva. • Hoping to take advantage of the new president's inexperience, Khrushchev again told the USA they had 6 months to leave Berlin. • The USA refused to leave Berlin. In case of war, Kennedy put $3.2
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The Berlin Wall (1961)
Khrushchev could not force US troops to leave Berlin, but he had to save face. • So, overnight on the 12 August 1961, East Germany sealed off West Berlin with barbed wire. • This was gradually built into the Berlin Wall. Access was very restricted b
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The Cuban Revolution (1959)
Cuba was an ally of the USA, being only 90 miles off the coast of Florida. • During the Cuban revolution the ProAmerican government was overthrown and dictator, Castro took over. • His rule made Cuba more independent, the USA was not happy with this,
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The Bay of Pigs (1961)
The CIA had convinced Kennedy that the USA could re-establish their influence in Cuba by getting rid of Castro. • In 1961 some CIA trained refugees who had fled during Castro's revolution invaded Cuba in an attempt to overthrow Castro. • The invasion
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The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
After the Bay of Pigs, Castro was understandably worried about the US threat. • He became a communist, and asked the USSR to help him defend Cuba. The USSR started building missile bases on Cuba, and 114 ships began carrying missiles to the island.
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The Naval Blockade and War Avoided (1962)
Kennedy ordered the US navy to start a naval blockade around Cuba to stop Soviet ships docking there. • At the last minute, Khrushchev ordered the Soviet ships to turn back. • Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed that the USA would not invade Cuba, the USS
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Cuban Missile Crisis - Results (1963)
They agreed to a policy of building better relations. • They set up the 'hotline' between Washington and Moscow to improve communication. • They also agreed to limit further nuclear testing in the Limited Test Ban Treaty of August 1963.
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The Prague Spring- Causes and Events (1965-8)
Alexander Dubcek, the popular secretary of the Czech Communist Party had become leader of Czechoslovakia in 1968. • He made reforms allowing freedom of speech, markets, travel, writing etc. • Dubcek made it clear that he wanted Czechoslovakia to rema
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The Prague Spring- Events (1962)
Brezhnev repeatedly warned Dubcek about his actions, saying that his reforms were going too far, but Dubcek wouldn't take the hint. • Czechoslovakia was invaded by Soviet troops. • Dubcek told the Czech people not to fight the invading troops. • Dubc
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The Brezhnev Doctrine (1968)
Dubcek's reforms were not just a problem in Czechoslovakia. • Brezhnev worried that they would spread to other satellite states. • It said that the USSR would invade any satellite state that threatened the security of the Eastern bloc.
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Outer Space Treaty (1967)
Created to stop arms race spreading to outer space. • Terms: Stopped the USA and USSR from being able to store or use any nuclear weapons in space.
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Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (1968)
Terms: Neither USA or USSR would supply nuclear weapons to other states, nor help them develop. • Stopped superpower conflict engulfing other areas of the world.
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Salt I (1972) - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
Imposed limits on nuclear capability of the USA and USSR. No further production of Strategic Ballistic Missiles. Submarines carrying nuclear weapons would only be introduced when existing socks of intercontinental missiles became obsolete. • First ag
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Helsinki Conference (1975)
Recognised Soviet control over Eastern Europe, concluded a trade agreement, and USSR promised to respect human rights. • This help to limit the possibility of superpower conflict and helped to create a more stable relationship between the USA and USS
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Apollo- Soyuz Mission (1975)
A joint space mission, the US Apollo and USSR Soyuz spacecraft was docked in space. • Marked the beginning of USA and USSR cooperation and teamwork in space. • Slows down space race.
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Communists Overthrow Royal Afghan Royal Family (1978)
Communism in Afghanistan was becoming a popular idea and a number of people wanted a communist government to take over. • The USSR saw this an a opportunity to help communism grow and develop.
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The USSR invade Afghanistan to the Communist Karmal take Control (1979)
A number of people wanted communism and did not approve of the leader, Amin. • The USSR invaded Afghanistan to set up communist government there. • This caused a number of problems for the USA and détente was over.
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Boycott of the Moscow Olympic games (1980)
The USA were not impressed by the fact that the USSR had invaded Afghanistan and set up a communist government, so they boycotted the Moscow Olympics. • 65 countries took part in this Boycott.
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Ronald Reagan (1981-3)
In 1980, Ronald Reagan became president of the USA. • As a strong anti-communist, he called the Soviet Union the "evil empire" and increased spending on arms. • The US military developed the neutron bomb, cruise missiles and a Star Wars defence syst
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USSR Boycotted the Los Angeles Olympic Games (1984)
In response to the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, 14 Eastern Bloc countries including the Soviet Union, Cuba and East Germany boycotted the Games. • For different reasons, Iran and Libya also boycotted.
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Gorbachev Became Leader of the Soviet Union (1985)
The Soviet Union was in trouble. • Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the USSR. • He knew changes needed to be made to the USSR.
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Chernobyl Crisis (1986)
The nuclear power plant in the Ukraine went Critical and exploded
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Gorbachev’s Changes- Afghanistan and Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (19851987)
Afghanistan had become what some called "Russia's Vietnam". • He withdrew from Afghanistan. • He realised that the USSR could not afford the arms race, and opened the START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks) with the USA. • He signed the Intermediate-R
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USSR Economy
The USSR had many problems and Gorbachev knew he needed to make changes: • The Soviet economy was backwards - factories and mines were decrepit and out of date. • Many people were much poorer than the poorest people in the capitalist West - unrest ab
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Giving People Freedom
He began to reform the Soviet system by allowing perestroika (competition in business) and glasnost (freedom).
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Cold War is Over (1989)
President George Bush decleared that the Cold War was over at the Malta Conference.
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Relaxation by the Soviet Government (1989)
A relaxation by the Soviet government encouraged revolutions in Eastern Europe, the USSR did not have the means or the will to impose military control. • September: Poland, communist government defeated in free elections. • October: Hungary, first fr
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The Soviet Union Dissolved (1991)
The ‘Gang of Eight’, senior communists, removed Gorbachev from power. • The coup against him fails and Gorbachev goes back to Moscow • Gorbachev announced the dissolution of the USSR and resigns from his place as leader.
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Card 2


Here the Big Three: Roosevelt - USA, Churchill – Great Britain, Stalin - USSR. • Discussed what to do when Hitler was defeated. • They agreed on a Soviet 'sphere of influence' in Eastern Europe and a capitalist one in Western Europe. • They could not


The Tehran Conference (1943)

Card 3


The Big Three agreed that Poland would be communist • That the USSR would help the war against Japan • And that the United Nations would be set up. • They disagreed over Germany - especially about whether or not it should pay reparations. Stalin want


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Card 4


Truman had replaced Roosevelt who had died, and Attlee had replaced Churchill. • The USA had also successfully tested the atomic bomb by this point, causing further mistrust with the USSR. • At Potsdam it was agreed to ban the Nazi Party and punish s


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Card 5


An American diplomat in Moscow and the Soviet ambassador in the USA both sent telegrams home in 1946, warning about military build ups and the threats they posed to their country. • The telegrams contributed to the tension at the start of the Cold Wa


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