The UK constitution

A set of principles, which may be written or unwritten, that establishes the distribution of power within a political system, relationships between political institutions,the limits of government jurisdiction,and the rights of citizens.
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A principle that government is limited be a set of constitutional rules and the rule of law. Government should therefore be subject to the law equally with all other citizens.
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Federal Constitution
A constitution where legal sovereignty s divided between the central government and regional governments (e.g. the US)
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Quasi federalism
A circumstance, as in the UK and EU where great deal of power is developed but legal sovereignty is retained at the centre
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Unitary constitution
A constitution where legal sovereignty is concentrated exclusively in central institutions
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Constitutional reform
A process whereby the fundamental nature of the system of government (As well as the relationships between governing institutions =) are changed, or where change is proposed. In the case of the UK, this may also involve the process of codification.
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The process of setting out a constitution in an organised way in a single document.
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Parliamentary sovereignty
The British principle that Parliament is the source of all political power (with the exception of the prerogative powers of the prime minister) and that all enforceable laws must be approved by Parliament.
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Parliamentary reform
A process whereby reforms in the membership, powers or procedures of either or both Houses of Parliament are made proposed.
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Human rights
Basic rights that citizens can expect to enjoy Key examples include freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of worship, right to privacy and freedom form imprisonment without trial.
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A process whereby power, but not sovereignty, is transferred to regions and countries. It means the establishment of assemblies and governments in those regions.
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A popular vote in which the people rather than their elected representatives resolve a political issue. It is used as a way of gaining consent for constitutional reforms.
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Constitutional government
Government that is limited by a constitution and by constitutional principles.
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Legal sovereignty
The location of ultimate power to make laws, together with the location of the source of all legal power within the political system. In the UK legal sovereignty lies in Parliament.
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Card 2


A principle that government is limited be a set of constitutional rules and the rule of law. Government should therefore be subject to the law equally with all other citizens.



Card 3


A constitution where legal sovereignty s divided between the central government and regional governments (e.g. the US)


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Card 4


A circumstance, as in the UK and EU where great deal of power is developed but legal sovereignty is retained at the centre


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Card 5


A constitution where legal sovereignty is concentrated exclusively in central institutions


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