The Sliding Filament Model

  • Created by: Steff06
  • Created on: 19-02-16 14:46
Define sarcomere
The span from one Z-line to the next
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How long is the sarcomere when relaxed.
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What happens to the Z-lines during contraction?
They become closer together.
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Why do the Z-lines get closer during contraction.
Because the H-zone and I-bands reduce in size when contracting.
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What does not change length during contraction?
The A-bands
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Name the 2 types of protein filaments involved in muscle contraction
Thin actin and thick myosin
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Describe the appearance of the actin filaments.
2 strands which are coiled around each other.
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What is each actin strand composed of?
G actin subunits.
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Which molecules coil around the F actin and why?
Tropomyosin molecules, to reinforce the actin.
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What is a troponin complex attached to and what is it made up of?
Attached to tropomyosin and made up of 3 polypeptides.
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Where do these polypeptides bind to?
1 binds to actin, 1 to tropomyosin and 1 to calcium ions.
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What are thick filaments?
Bundles of the protein myosin.
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What does each myosin molecule consist of?
A tail and 2 protruding heads.
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What does each thick filament consist of?
Many myosin molecules whose heads stick out from opposite ends of the filament.
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1st stage of muscle contraction
An action potential arrives at a neuromuscular junction
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2nd stage
Ca2+ ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
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3rd stage
Calcium ions bind to troponin molecules, changing its shape.
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4th stage
Pushes tropomysoin out of the way, exposing myosin binding site to the actin.
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5th stage
Myosin heads bind to the binding sites and form cross-bridges.
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6th stage
Head group of myosin heads bends, pushing actin filament along, increasing overlap of actin and myosin fibres.
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7th stage
ADP and Pi are released.
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8th stage
ATP attaches and cross-bridges are broken.
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9th stage
ATP is hydrolysed (ADP and Pi remain attached to myosin heads).
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10th stage
Myosin head is 'cocked' back.
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What happens as cross-bridges are made and broken?
Actin filaments slide past the thick myosin filaments and shorten the sarcomere.
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What do tropomyosin subunits cover?
The binding sites for myosin head group on actin fibre.
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What does this coverage mean?
Cross-bridges cannot form, a myosin head group cannot attach to a binding site, muscle contraction cannot occur.
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Where are calcium ions released from?
Sarcoplamic reticulum in sarcomeres.
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What do calcium ions diffuse through and bind to?
Diffuse through sarcoplasm and bind to troponin molecules.
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What does this binding lead to?
Changing shape of troponin molecules, which moves tropomyosin away from binding sites on the actin.
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What can happen when the actin and myosin binding sites are uncovered?
Cross-bridges can form.
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What happens when nervous stimulation stops?
Calcium ions are actively transported into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by carrier proteins on the membrane.
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What do these actions lead to?
Muscle relaxation.
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When are the molecules most stable during muscle contraction?
When the myosin head group attaches to the actin binding site and bends.
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What is ATP energy required for?
To break the cross-bridge connection and re-set the myosin head forwards.
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What does this then allow the myosin head group to do?
Attach to the next binding site along the actin molecule and bend again.
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Why must ATP be regenerated?
To allow continued contraction.
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Name the 3 mechanisms to maintain the supply of ATP
Aerobic respiration in muscle cell mitochondria, anaerobic respiration in muscle cell sarcoplasm and transfer from creatine phosphate in the muscle cell sarcoplasm.
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How long is the sarcomere when relaxed.



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What happens to the Z-lines during contraction?


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Why do the Z-lines get closer during contraction.


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Card 5


What does not change length during contraction?


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