The Rebecca Riots

  • Created by: Izzy03
  • Created on: 29-11-16 19:22
when did they happen?
between 1839-1843
1 of 10
what actually happened to money at the toll gates?
wealthy buisnessmen used it as profits
2 of 10
why did they smash and burn the toll gates?
they were angry at unjust road taaxes at the gates
3 of 10
how did they dress?
They dressed as women with blackened faces
4 of 10
why did they dress as women?
because of rebecca (Abrahams daughter-in-law) in the bile who was said to take possesion of the gates of her enemies
5 of 10
when were the riots at their worst?
in 1843 when a yound woman was killed
6 of 10
What was the name of the woman killed?
Sarah Williams
7 of 10
how did the government react?
increased troop numbers in the area
8 of 10
what were the leaders sentenced to?
9 of 10
what did the 1844 laws control?
the amount of power the owners off the toll gates had
10 of 10

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Card 2


what actually happened to money at the toll gates?


wealthy buisnessmen used it as profits

Card 3


why did they smash and burn the toll gates?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how did they dress?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why did they dress as women?


Preview of the front of card 5
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