The Problem of Evil

What does John Hick believe?
Somethings good will be dependent on its purpose. The world is instrumentally good. God deliberately left them imperfect or "unfinished"
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What is the vale of soul-making?
Modern presentation of the Irenaean theodicy. This argues that both natural and moral evil are essential to "soul-making" so they have a good purpose.
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What else did Hick say?
God has good reason for allowing evil to stay
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What does Hick say about epistemic distance?
God had done this then the gap between God and humanity would be so small that the latter would have no freedom in relation to God.
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What does Hick say about epistemic distance?
God has set this distance so humanity has awareness of God but not certainty
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Why is the world not perfect?
Consequently, humans would in effect be robots and not humans. Qualities such as courage, honour and love would all be impossible
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What does Hick say about the afterlife?
Only a supremely good future in Heaven can justify the magnitude of the suffering endured. All people will eventually become "the children of God" and "inherit eternal life"
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What are some strengths of Hick's argument?
The theory provides a rational explanation for why the God of classical theism who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent permits both natural and moral evil and the resulting suffering.
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What are some strengths of Hick's argument?
If we accept that human perfection must be developed thus we had to be distanced from God and the world could not be a paradise.
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What are some weaknesses of Hick's argument?
Hick's theodicy has the concept that everyone will go to heaven and this seems unjust. His theodicy fails to justify the extent and severity of suffering in the world. Suffering can never be an expression of God's love.
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Does D.Z Phillips support Hick?
Yes. He agrees that evil is necessary.
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Does Hick support D.Z Phillips.
No he says Phillips pays too little attention to the problem of dysteleological evil.
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What is dysteleological evil?
Argument from poor design
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the vale of soul-making?


Modern presentation of the Irenaean theodicy. This argues that both natural and moral evil are essential to "soul-making" so they have a good purpose.

Card 3


What else did Hick say?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Hick say about epistemic distance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Hick say about epistemic distance?


Preview of the front of card 5
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