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6. BONUS: Which process are mitochondria responsible for and what is produced from this process?

  • Mitochondria are responsible for respiration - which produces energy.
  • Mitochondria are responsible for making it easier for minerals to pass across into cells - this produces gases.
  • Mitochondria are responsible for fertilisation - which produces cells.
  • Mitochondria are responsible for carrying messages in the form of electrical signals - this produces nerve cells.

7. Which part of the cell controls how the cell works

  • Cytoplasm
  • The cell membrane
  • The nucleus
  • Organelle

8. What is the cell wall made up of and how does it help the cell?

  • Cellulose gives the cell extra strength.
  • Starch grains hold the cell together.
  • Cell sap allows the cell to move as a whole.
  • Chlorophyll keeps gases out.