the economy 1890-1920

which financiers were permanently altered by the war?
federal goverment
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What had to remain high during the war?
tax rates
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Why did tax rates have to remain high?
to pay for higher production expenditure due mainly to interests on the national debt and veterans benefits
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what did America emerge from the war as?
net creditor
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what was Americas total foreign investment after the war?
£7.2 billion
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What process did not go smoothly?
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What did halting of production lead to?
intense social and ethnic divisions
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when did economic recession persist to?
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Where used to be the centre of world capital market?
London, Bank of England
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Where was after the war the centre of world capital market?
New York
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What did WW1 lead directly to?
the Great Depression and WW2
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Why did WW1 lead to WW2?
The Treaty of Versailles led to all of the countries being in debt
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What fell as a consequence of WW1?
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Who cooperated with employees?
Samuel Gompers and AFL
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Why did AFL and Samual Gompers cooperate?
was good for jobs and wages
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Who were able to expand production?
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Why were farmers able to expand production?
able to expand production to war torn Europe for example food supplies
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What was army size?
4.7 million
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Who were able to become the sole underwriters of Allied war bonds?
JP Morgan, French Bankers and Bank of england
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What grew in terms of loans as the war progressed?
allied dependence on American loans
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What was the Panic of 1907 a warning sign of?
the weakness of banks and inability of government to curb financial power like JP Morgan
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What was introduced by President Wilson in 1913?
Federal Reserve
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What major trust fell to cause the Panic of 1907?
the knicker banker trust company in New York
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What went under to cause the Panic of 1907?
national and local banks
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What was there a lack of during this time?
no central bank to prop up the banking system
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Who stopped the banking system from spiraling out of control?
JP Morgan
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What did JP Morgan do to stop the banking system from collapsing?
put million dollars to restore business confidence and prompted other finances to do the same
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What was the overall cause of the panic of 1907?
The banking system was unable to keep pace with the expansion of industry
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What was the first national strike?
Pullmans strike
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What was the effect of the Pullman strike?
paralysed the railway system
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What was the outcome of the pullman strike for workers?
the strike failed with rent remaining the price it was
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what was the outcome of the pullman strike for workers?
the federal government had shown itself as hostile to unions and willing to shoot its own citizens
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What act was introduced to ban strikes?
The Omnibus incident act
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How long did the omnibus incident act remain in force for?
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What did many people begin to believe after the pullman strike
Goverment did not care about the less well off in society- the industrial class
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What did a lot of the industrial class turn to after the pullman strike?
the populist party
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Which union went on strike in the Pullman strike?
The American Railway Union
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Who was the leader of the American Railway Union?
Eugene Debs
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What did the American Railway Union refuse to do in the Pullmans strike?
refused to handle any trains carrying pullman cars including mail trains
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Who did Railway owners ask for support from?
President Cleveland
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What did President Cleveland agree to do to support railway owners?
agreed to send in troops to keep the trains running
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What was the outcome of the troops being introduced in the Pullmans strike?
rioting and troops killing 4 people
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What was the cause of the Pullmans strike?
the pullman company had cut wages but refused to lower rent for houses where employees were required to live
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What had to remain high during the war?


tax rates

Card 3


Why did tax rates have to remain high?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what did America emerge from the war as?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was Americas total foreign investment after the war?


Preview of the front of card 5
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