Natural moral law key words

Who came up with the design argument?
William Paley
1 of 7
what type of argument is the design argument?
a posteriori and inductive
2 of 7
what type of appoach does the design argument take?
natural theology
3 of 7
what 3 observations is the design argument based on?
complexity, purpose, and regularity
4 of 7
what is the design argument also often referred to as?
the Teleological argument
5 of 7
what analogy does Paley use?
If a person came across a watch they would ask the question how it came to get there. This is the same as the universe
6 of 7
what illustrations are given by Paley to support his argument?
the eye is superbly adapted for vision. The fins and gills of fish are perfect for living in water. Bird's bones, wings and feathers are perfect for flight. There is regularity in the universe of planetary orbits and on earth of seasons.
7 of 7

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Card 2


what type of argument is the design argument?


a posteriori and inductive

Card 3


what type of appoach does the design argument take?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what 3 observations is the design argument based on?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the design argument also often referred to as?


Preview of the front of card 5
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