The Charge Of The Light Brigade.

What type of language is used to make the reader feel sorry for the soldiers?
1 of 8
Give an example of personification used.
Into the mouth of hell.
2 of 8
What side of war does this poem present?
The futile side.
3 of 8
What war is this poem written about?
The Crimean war.
4 of 8
What technique is used to give the poem a sense of rhythm?
Iambic Pentameter.
5 of 8
What technique is used in every stanza to show the relentlessness of war?
6 of 8
What type of words are volleyed and thundered.
Active verbs.
7 of 8
What other poems could you compare this with?
Poppies and War photographer.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Give an example of personification used.


Into the mouth of hell.

Card 3


What side of war does this poem present?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What war is this poem written about?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What technique is used to give the poem a sense of rhythm?


Preview of the front of card 5
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