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6. What did the Skinner box experiment involve?

  • Dogs were conditioned to associate the ringing of a bell with the presence of food
  • Rats activated levers, resulting in the rewarding of treats for the rats
  • Pigeons completed mazes, which had a treat at the end
  • Rats completed mazes, which had a treat at the end

7. Classical conditioning is...

  • The development of 'schema' in the brain at a young age
  • Learning through association, i.e; a child becoming frightened of dogs permanently after being bitten by a dog
  • Learning through positive and negative reinforcement or punishment, i.e: a child being praised for sharing

8. Behaviourism emphasises that...

  • The environment has an impact on an individual's behaviour, more so than innate qualities
  • An individual's innate qualities have a greater impact on their behaviour than environmental factors
  • New behaviour cannot be learnt, it is pre-programmed into the way we function/our mindset