The Athenian Standards Decree and Arisophanes, Birds

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 01-05-17 14:40
[anyone] 'fails to act in accordance with the decree, either a citizen or a foreigner, he is to lose his civic rights, and his property is to be confiscated and [a tenth] given to the goddess'
Athenian Standards Decree, show the seriousness of Athens in get the correct amount of money for the tribute as it is the middle of the war
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'if anyone strikes sliver coinage in the cities and does not use Athenian coins or weights or measures, [but foreign coins] and measures and weights, [I will administer punishments and penalties]'
Athenian Standards Decree, show Athens imposing their ideology for a means of control
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'What, another horrible little scroll?'
Arisophanes Birds, jokes about Athens' control methods with decrees
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'The people of cloudcuckooland are to use these measures and weights and decrees'
Arisophanes Birds, joking about the Athenian Standards Decree
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Arisophanes Birds
Satirical play, well respected playwright, 414 BC, but can be over exaduerated due to it being a play
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Card 2


Athenian Standards Decree, show Athens imposing their ideology for a means of control


'if anyone strikes sliver coinage in the cities and does not use Athenian coins or weights or measures, [but foreign coins] and measures and weights, [I will administer punishments and penalties]'

Card 3


Arisophanes Birds, jokes about Athens' control methods with decrees


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Card 4


Arisophanes Birds, joking about the Athenian Standards Decree


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Card 5


Satirical play, well respected playwright, 414 BC, but can be over exaduerated due to it being a play


Preview of the back of card 5


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