
How is the Perfect Tense formed with AVOIR?
Present tense of AVOIR (ai,as,a,avons,avez,ont) + past participle (remove ir,er or re and add é,i, or u)
1 of 7
How is the Perfect Tense formed with ÊTRE?
Present tense of ÊTRE (suis,es,est,sommes,êtes,sont) + past participle (remove ir,er or re and add é,i, or u)
2 of 7
How is the Imperfect Tense formed?
Present tense of ÊTRE (suis,es,est,sommes,êtes,sont) + past participle (remove er,ir, or re and add é,i,u)
3 of 7
How is the Present Tense formed?
Remove infinitive endings + add present tense endings (er-e,es,e,ons,ez,ent/ir-is,is,it,issons,issez,issent/re-s,s,-,ons,ez,ent)
4 of 7
How is the Near Future Tense formed?
Present tense of aller (vais,vas,va,allons,allez,vont) + add the infinitive
5 of 7
How is the Future Tense formed?
Infinitive + future endings (ai,as,a,ons,ez,ont)
6 of 7
How is the Conditional Tense formed?
Infinitive + imperfect endings (ais,ais,ait,ions,iez,aient)
7 of 7

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Card 2


How is the Perfect Tense formed with ÊTRE?


Present tense of ÊTRE (suis,es,est,sommes,êtes,sont) + past participle (remove ir,er or re and add é,i, or u)

Card 3


How is the Imperfect Tense formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How is the Present Tense formed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How is the Near Future Tense formed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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