TB8 D&L Lecture 1; Conceptual Knowledge

  • Created by: mint75
  • Created on: 30-03-16 14:54

1. What is the A not B error?

  • Made during sensorimotor stage, habituation of hiding toy under A. Critical trial, toy hid under B whilst infant looking. Error occurs if infant looks under A in this trial.
  • Made during sensorimotor stage, habituation of hiding toy under A. Critical trial, toy hid under B whilst infant NOT looking. Error occurs if infant looks under B in this trial.preconven
  • Made after sensorimotor stage, habituation of hiding toy under A. Critical trial, toy hid under B whilst infant looking. Error occurs if infant looks under A in this trial.
  • Made after sensorimotor stage, habituation of hiding toy under A. Critical trial, toy hid under B whilst infant looking. Error occurs if infant looks under B in this trial.
1 of 20

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2. In Plunkett et al 2008, which of these was NOT a finding?

  • In 3., responses similar to 2 as auditory labels are consistent with perceptual groups
  • In 4., because auditiry cues inconsistent responses drop to chance
  • In 5, the single auditory cue overrode the perceptual categories and performance below chance similar to 1
  • In 1., children looked less at 3333 than either of other exemplars. Habituated to prototypical mean 3333
  • In 1, 3 and 4 infants looked at 3333 at chance level regardless of auditory or perceptual grouping
  • In 2., children looked more at 3333 than either of the other exemplars. It was novel as was not from narrow set combinations

3. In a visual paired comparisons task, did 62% of infants prefer the novel category or familiar category?

  • Novel
  • Familiar

4. What is the core concept of the Empiricist perspective of infant conceptual development?

  • Initial state based on perceptual and sensorimotor primitives, 'blank slates'
  • General ideas that allow us to organise objects, events etc on the basis of similarity
  • Initial state populated with some 'core' knowledge
  • Constituents of thought

5. In a study of core action knowledge using point light displays, what was the main finding?

  • Dynamic images capture attention better than static images
  • Infants recognise static images of objects better than point light displays
  • Infants can distinguish between biological and non-biological forms of motion
  • Infants are variable in the amount of time looking at dynamic v.s static images


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