TB7 SPA Lecture 2; The Trait Approach to Personality

  • Created by: mint75
  • Created on: 28-12-15 14:40
What makes the trait approach different from the type approach?
Traits lie on a continuum whilst types are discrete categories
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What are the 3 categories of traits in Allports lexical approach?
Cardinal, Central, Secondary
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Who was one of the first to use factor analysis in personality traits?
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What do Cattells 'Constitutional traits' refer to?
Genetic traits (common)
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What do Cattells 'Environmental mold' traits refer to?
Experience (common)
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What are the levels of traits in Cattells approach?
Source --> Surface
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What is the main proposition of Eysencks theory of personality?
Fundamental traits are biologically based, but environment influences how they are expressed
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What are the levels in Eysencks Hierarchical model?
Trait level (e.g sociable), Habitual response (e.g talking to people), Specific response (e.g positive body language)
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What were the 3 main personality types or 'Super traits' proposed by Eysenck (and measured by eysenck personality questionnaire EPQ)?
Extraversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism
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Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985, what do criminals score highly in?
Extraversion, Neuroticism, Psychoticism
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Eysenck 1993,1994; What do creative people score highly in?
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What did Eysenck propose neuroticism was related to?
The reactivity of the nervous system (high)
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What were Goldberg et al's 5 features of personality (Trait descriptors)
Love, work, affect, power, intellect
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What were the traits in Costa and McCraes Big 5 Model?
Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
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What characterises an EMIC approach?
Personality terms found in native language
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What characterises an ETIC approach
Translated personality questionnaires
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Which psychometric test measures the Big 5?
NEO-PI-R (1992), 240 items
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What was associated with higher happiness levels in a study by Hayes and Joseph (2003)?
High extraversion, low neuroticism
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What was associated with higher life satisfaction in a study by Hayes and Joseph (2003)?
Low neuroticism, high conscientiousness
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What was associated with social media 'badmouthing' in a study by Stoughton et al 2013?
Low agreeableness
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What was associated with social media photos of substance abuse in a study by Stoughton et al 2013?
High extraversion
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What did male faces correlate with in research by Penton-Voak et al (2006)?
Extraversion, neuroticism, openness
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What did female faces correlate with in research by Penton-Voak et al (2006)?
Only extraversion
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What are the two traits in the two-factor model of traits from faces?
Trustworthiness, dominance
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What are the three traits in the three-factor model of traits from faces?
Trustworthiness, dominance, youth-attractiveness
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 3 categories of traits in Allports lexical approach?


Cardinal, Central, Secondary

Card 3


Who was one of the first to use factor analysis in personality traits?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do Cattells 'Constitutional traits' refer to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What do Cattells 'Environmental mold' traits refer to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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