Other questions in this quiz

2. What effect does an enriched environment have on the cerebral cortex?

  • It causes the cortical neurons to thicken as the infant is exposed to more sights and sounds.
  • The cerebral cortex increases in width with age allowing the infant to absorb more information
  • Aids in developing muscle tone and balance
  • Aids in developing the infants vision and attention management

3. What is apoptosis and why does it occur?

  • Buildings of connections between synapses to 'finely tune' the brains 'circuitry'
  • Increase of brain surface; to increase cell stimulation
  • Programmed cell death of poorly stimulated neurons; increases efficiency of functioning
  • The formation of sulci and gyri to accommodate more neurons

4. What does the process of myelinisation do/improve?

  • Produces nerve cells at a rate of 250,000pm
  • Adds to the weight of the total brain
  • Insulates the cell and improves synaptogenesis (cell communication)
  • Allows cells to acquire specialised functions

5. Which two areas govern autonomic functions as well as reflexes

  • Automatic nervous system and medulla
  • Cerebral cortex and Spinal cord
  • Brainstem and midbrain
  • Spinal cord and midbrain


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