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6. What does a tuning curve represent?

  • The typical graded response patterns of neurons
  • The typical L shaped trough pattern of neural responses
  • The typical onset-offset response patterns of neurons
  • The typical U shaped curve of neural response patterns

7. How is the action potential propogated through the cell?

  • Nucleus
  • Axon
  • Dendrite
  • Myelin

8. Does firing rate/ timing of action potentials carry information?

  • Yes, each actions potentials rate and timing reflects the neurons activity
  • No, each action potential has approximately the same firing rate and timing

9. Is there ambiguity in bell shaped tuning curves?

  • Yes, the same firing rate can reflect different properties of the stimulus
  • No, the same firing rate always reflects the same property of the stimulus

10. In a raster plot, what does a dot represent?

  • Time
  • A spike
  • An experimental trial
  • How many spikes fired in a given period

11. In a raster plot, what does a row represent?

  • Time
  • An experimental trial
  • A spike
  • How many spikes fired in a given period

12. In a raster plot, what does the peristimulus histogram represent?

  • An experimental trial
  • How many spikes fired in a given period
  • A spike
  • Time

13. What is temporal coding?

  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the pitch of the action potential
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the precise timing of the individual spikes
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the amplitude of the action potential
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the rate at which the cell fires

14. How big is the tip of the electrode used in extracellular single unit recording?

  • 40 micrometers which detect 4/5/6 surrounding neurons
  • 100 micrometers which detect 3+-1 surrounding neurons
  • 100 micrometers which detect 4/5/6 surrounding neurons
  • 40 micrometers which detect 3+-1 surrounding neurons

15. What shape is a typical tuning curve?

  • Plateau at offset
  • Bell shaped
  • L shaped trough
  • U shaped

16. What is rate coding?

  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the rate at which the cell fires
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the pitch of the action potential
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the precise timing of the individual spikes
  • Information about the stimulus or response is carried in the amplitude of the action potential

17. From where do neurons receive input?

  • Myelin
  • Axon
  • Dendrites
  • Nucleus

18. Does amplitude of an action potential carry information?

  • No, each action potential has approximately the same amplitude
  • Yes, each actions potentials amplitude reflects the neurons activity