successes of Louis XVIII 1815-24

Did well considering
1)effect of 100 days 2)second harsher peace treaty 3)difficult legacy of the Revolution and Empire
1 of 8
Ministers Decazes and Richelieu
1)Gov. finances were succ.reorged. and new syst. lasted over 100yrs. 2)indemnity to Allies paid off in 3yrs 3)occup. by foreign troops ended and withdrew
2 of 8
Foreign policy
1)peaceful after years of war-relief 2)success. intervention in Spain 1823 restoring Bourbon king
3 of 8
ordinary people
vast majority were content with the new system according to Randell
4 of 8
Charter and Pays legal
1)LXVIII convin. pays legal that he wants constitutional mon. to work 2)limit K's power 3)allows gains of revolution 4)allow for strong gov. = stability
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Restraint of Ultras
1)ignored tempt to implement U. pols. 2)recog. U's views were impractical.-important as L had learned since 1795 when he made the Verona Declaration
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standing up to Ultras
1)appoints mod. constituionalists-Richelieu in U dominated chamber 2)Dissolved chambre Introuvable 1816 3)altered electoral sys. to gain more mod chamber 4)stood up to calls for wider vengeance preventing white terror
7 of 8
avoiding executions
1)avoiding prolonged white terror 2)general pardon for past deeds except for regicides and those heavily involvd in 100days.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Ministers Decazes and Richelieu


1)Gov. finances were succ.reorged. and new syst. lasted over 100yrs. 2)indemnity to Allies paid off in 3yrs 3)occup. by foreign troops ended and withdrew

Card 3


Foreign policy


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Card 4


ordinary people


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Charter and Pays legal


Preview of the front of card 5
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Would be better if i knew what all abbreviations ment! :/

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