Study Skills

  • Created by: aarafa11
  • Created on: 07-01-20 17:16
What is qualitative data
method of observation to gather non-numerical data.
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Types of qualitative data
nominal, ordinal, (binary)
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What is nominal
Variables with NO order or ranking. E.g: race or gender
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What is ordinal
Can be quantitative or qualitative. Variables with an order and ranking. E.g: ranking 1-5 or ranking outstanding - disappointing
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How to collect qualitative
interviews, written statement and documents
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What is quantitative
measures of values or counts and are expressed as numbers
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Types of quantitative data
continuous data or discrete data
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How to collect quantitative data
surveys, observation, experiments and interviews
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What is contentious data
When the values in the set can take on ANY value. finite or infinite.
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What is discrete data
values are distinct and separate
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Difference between discrete and contentious
contentious can be measured and that discrete can be counted
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Example of continuous data
can be any number, even decimal, between an interval. [0,70] - can have 2.5. Height of a child
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Examples of discrete data
the numbers you can get on a dice - cannot get 2.5. number of language spoken. ordinal data are discrete
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Advantages of using old data for a research
useful, effortless, save time, ethical consideration have been done
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disadvantages of using old data for a research
no control on how data was collected, might not align with research aims, data needs scrutiny be fore use
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Disadvanage of continuous data
observer error can be reduced but CAN'T be ELIMINATED. Limits of instruments to measure
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When to use categorical nominal
when the data CANNOT be put into a meaningful order
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When to use categorical ordinal
when the data CAN be put into a meaningful order
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The significance of p value
lower than the p value = significant = data does NOT come from the same population
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what is p value
if sample being compared is coming from the same population, which you don't want
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What is p hacking
1)when you continue to collect data even when p<0.05. 2) data manipulation. Excessive stats
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How does collection too much data cause p- hacking
it becomes biased as the results are no longer significant
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how does too much stat cause p hacking
more result could happen by chance alone
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The types of error when comparing data
type 1 = false positive, type 2 = false negative
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What is a type 1 error when collecting data
WRONGLY accepting relationship. "guilty until proven innocent"
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What is a type 2 error when collecting data
FAILING to accepting relationship. "innocent until proven guilty"
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when to use chi-squared
for categorical data
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what are the conditions for chi-squared
must be an actual data (raw, proportional, ratio), simple random sample, catergorical, contigency table of <5
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what "actual" data is not included as a condition for chi-squared
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Types of test for a continuous data
a parametric test or a non-parametric test
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what makes it suitable to use a parametric test for a continuous data
for a normally distributed data, sample independent from 2 population, 2 population having similar variance, no outlier
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what makes it suitable to use a non-parametric test for a continuous data
any continuous data based on the ranks of the data values
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type of tests to know if data is normally distributed for it to be PARAMETRIC
t-test, ANOVA, regression
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what is a t-test
2 samples collected from the SAME continuous data
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which hypothesis should you disprove
null, p>0.05 to have a significant difference
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what does the t-test do
compares the mean and dispersion of 2 samples so you can establish if the data came from the same population
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what are the criteria for a t-test
continuous, 2 groups, independent, random samples, no outliers, normal distribution, similar variance
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what happens when the criteria for a t-test are NOT met
use a log-transformation, use a less sensitive test
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what is a log transformation
it address skewed data by decreasing the variability. this causes the data to be close to the normal distribution
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what are the less sensitive test when the criteria for the t-test ISN'T met
Welch's test (parametric), Mann-Witney U test or Kruskal Wallis test (both ordinal)
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when to use Mann-Witney U test (ordinal)
when t-test won't work. when there is 2 samples
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when to use Kruskal Wallis test (ordinal)
when t-test won't work. more than 2 samples
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what test can you do for ordinal data
Mann-Witney U, Kruskal Wallis, Likert scales
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When to use likert scales (ordinal)
when there is a 5-7 point scales, when the average is the standard interval data
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What is ANOVA
Analysis of variance
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Criteria for ANOVA
Observation independent. No outliers. Each sample is normally distributed. Variance if roughly equal
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How is each of ANOVA's sample normally distributed
large sample size (≥2), tested using graphically, tested using Shapiro-Wilk test, test the skewness, test using kurtosis
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the p value for each of the test required to know the normal distribution for ANOVA
Shapiro-Wilks :) p=0.150 :? 0.128 :/ 0.32 . Skewness :) 0.533 :? 0.662 :/ 1.105
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How would you compare to sets of continuous data on the same sample
regression (Pearson product moment correlation )
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Criteria for regression test
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Types of qualitative data


nominal, ordinal, (binary)

Card 3


What is nominal


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is ordinal


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How to collect qualitative


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




this is sooo useful !! thanks sooo much

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