Studies for the Stress Unit


1. How do Benzodiazepines work?

  • They slow down activety in the CNS by increasing tbe body's reaction to GABA which slows down tbe activety of neurones
  • They reduce activity if the SNS by decreasing levels of Cortisol to slow down heart rate and lower blood pressure
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2. Keicolt-Glaser did a second study in 2005, what did she find out?

  • Blister wounds on the arms of married couples healed more slowly during discussions which were conflicting rather than supportive
  • A positive correlation between high life event scores and amount of illness while those who had low life event scores had low illness rates

3. What did Marucha find out?

  • The wounds given during exam season took 40% longer to heal
  • A positive correlation between high life event scores and amount of illness while those who had low life event scores had low illness rates

4. What did Marmot find about workload?

  • There was no link between high workload and stress related illness, and it was concluded that job demard wasn't a major factor in stress
  • 5 years after the initial assesment, it was found that those who initially reported low levels of control were more likely to have developed heart disease

5. Who carried out research into exam stress in 1984?

  • Kiecolt-Glaser
  • Marucha
  • Lazarus


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