
  • Created by: sarlney
  • Created on: 23-05-16 15:48
Ethnicity/Culture (+): Powell and Khan (1995)
Body dissatisfaction, eating concerns and disorders are more characteristic of white women
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Ethnicity/Culture (+): Ball and Kennedy (2002)
14,000 women in Australia - for all ethnic groups, they developed attitudes similar to the women have lived there their entire lives, the longer they stayed
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Social Class (+): Dornbusch (1984)
7000 US adolescents, found higher class had greater desire to be thin and were more likely to diet
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Social Class (+): Goode (2008)
used data from 2003 Scottish Health Survey - found income was positively associated with healthy eating
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Ethnicity/Culture (-): Mumford et al (1991)
Found that incidence of bulimia was greater among Asian schoolgirls than white counter
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Social Class (-): Story et al (1995)
US students - higher social class was related to greater satisfaction with weigh and lower rates of weight control behaviour such as vomiting
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Parental Modelling (+): Brown and Ogden (2004)
Found consistent correlations between parents and children in terms of snack food intake, eating motivations and body dissatisfaction
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Parental Modelling (+): Birch and Fisher (2000)
Best predictors of daughters' eating behaviour were the mothers' dietary restraint and their perception of the risk of the daughters' becoming obese
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Media Effects (+): MacIntyre et al (1998)
found media has a major impact on what we eat and our attitudes
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Restraint Theory (+): Wardle and Beales (1988)
Randomly assigned 27 obese women to 3 groups: diet, exercise,no treatment - assessed at weeks 4 and 6 - both times dieters ate more food when offered than the other 2 groups
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Restraint Theory (-): Ogden (2007)
behaviour of restricting anorexics can't be explained with this theory; if trying not to eat makes you eat more, then how do anorexics succeed in starving themselves?
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Role of Denial (+): Soetens et al (2008)
P's divided into restrained and unrestrained groups - restrained were split into high and low inhibition - disinhibited used high levels of suppression and showed a rebound effect, ie thought more and overate - shows trying to repress backfires
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Role of Denial (-): Wegener (1994)
Admitted the 'ironic process' isnt huge, they're detectable but not overwhelming
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Neural Mechanisms; LH (+): Anand and Brobeck (1951)
When LH was destroyed, there was a loss of feeding behaviour in rats
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Neural Mechanisms; LH (+): Wickens (2000)
Neurotransmitters called neuropeptide Y is particularly important in turning on eating; when injected into rats, they began to eat immediately
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Neral Mechanisms; LH (+): Lebowitz (1986)
Suggests norepinephrine not only increases calorie intake but also triggers a desire for a carbohydrate intake
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Neural Mechanisms; VMH (+): Hetherington and Ranson (1942)
found rats with lesions in VMH would eat until grossly fat
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Neural Mechanisms; VMH (+): Gold (1973)
damage to nerve fibres passing through the VMH tends to also damage another area of the hypothalamus, the paraventriculr nucleus;now believed that damage to PVN alone causes hyperphagia
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Sweet Foods (+): Desper et al
found innate food preferences are shown by facial expressions; preference of sweet and rejection of bitter foods
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Fatty Foods (+): Gibson and Wardle
provided evidence for importance of calories in ancestral diet
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Meat Eating (+): Milton
without animals it's unlikely that early humans could have secured enough nutrition from a vegetarian diet to evolve into the creatures we are now
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Card 2


14,000 women in Australia - for all ethnic groups, they developed attitudes similar to the women have lived there their entire lives, the longer they stayed


Ethnicity/Culture (+): Ball and Kennedy (2002)

Card 3


7000 US adolescents, found higher class had greater desire to be thin and were more likely to diet


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Card 4


used data from 2003 Scottish Health Survey - found income was positively associated with healthy eating


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Card 5


Found that incidence of bulimia was greater among Asian schoolgirls than white counter


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