  • Created by: Nikki
  • Created on: 09-12-12 12:05
Explain the Sympathomedullary System?
Hypothalamus> Brainstem> Spinal cord> Adrenal Gland (Adrenal medulla)> Adrenaline release (quick breathing/heart rate)> Damage to Cardiovasular HEART DISEASE
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Explain the Pituitary Adrenal System
Hypothalamus> Pituitary gland (triggers sympathetic nervous system)> Adrenocorticotropic hormones released (ACTH)> Adrenal Gland (Adrenal cortex)> Releases stored glucose (ENERGY)> Damage to immune system> INFECTION
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What are studies into immune system and short-term stress
KIECOLT-GLASER- Medical students, sampled for natural killer cells (white blood cells that fight infetion) a month before and during exams. Second sample showed much less natural killer cells. The functioning of their immune system had deteriorated.
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What are studies into immune system and long-term stress
KIECOLT-GLASER Relatives caring for long term diseases, divorcees. Time for wound to heal. In groups took longer than people not experiencing stress
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Evaluate studies into the immune system and stress
Stress can IMPROVE immune system (short-term); Biased samples; Other factors: Personality (hardy) and Social support
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What are life changes?
Big changes in your life that can cause stres e.g death or illness of family to minor violations of crime
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Research into life changes and stress
HOLMES&RAHE -Male, navy personel (2500). Filled in Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) before and after 7 moth duty. 0.118 (weak positive) correlation between LCU and illnesses. Link between LC and stress related illness.
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Evaluate research into life changes
Correlation study- only looks at links not causes; No specific hypothesis- all illnesses were included: Biased sample
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What are daily hassles and uplifts?
Negative and positive influences in daily life that can cause some stress
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Research into daily hassles
BOUTEYRE- Uni students, took a daily hassles test to see how stressed they were. Correlation between hassle scale and depressive symptoms. GERVAIS- Daily hassles increased work strain, and how they rated their performance Uplifts countered effects
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Link between life changes and daily hassles
During life changes people have lots of emotional support, unlike with daily hassles( daily hassles have more negative effect with no emotional support); During life changes daily hassles have more of a negative effect
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What causes stress in the workplace?
MARMOT: Job strain model- 1) High workload- creates greater job demand > more work for workers 2) Low Control- over deadlines and procedures> Workers can't make decisions about working conditions
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MARMOT'S study into workplace stress
Government offices, Senior managers with responsibility and had more control of working conditions and clerical workers with less. Health observed over 5 years. Lowest employees 4x likely to die of heart attack. Low control=health problems
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JOHANSSON'S study into workplace stress
Saw mill compared cleaners with flexibility to finishers who had no control. Stress hormone levels and absences were recorded. Finishers had high stress hormones and more absences. Lack of control and social support can result in more health problems
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Evaluate studies into stress in the workplace
Managers can be more stressed- more responsibility, blamed when something goes wrong; Lower grade workers- Less responsibility, might be happy for others to make decisions; Other influencing factors- Personality, life changes-effect how well you cope
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What are Type A and Type B personalities?
Characteristics of Type A: Competetive, Hostile and Impatient. Type B is the opposite.
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FRIEDMAN& ROSENMAN personality study
Healthy US men were categorised into Type A&B, using interviews and questionnaires. Studied over 8 years. Some had experienced heart disease. 70% were Type A. Other lifestyle factors were controlled. Personality can cause stress related illness
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Evaluate FRIEDMAN& ROSENMAN personality study
Biased sample- same gender/culture; Not all Type A got heart disease (other personality factors to counter);
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What is a 'Hardy' personality?
Hardy personalities show: CONTROL- you can influence events in your life; COMMITMENT- individual sense of involvement and purpose in life; CHALLENGE- life should be viewed as an oppurtunity
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KOBASA'S personality study
White collared males. Devised questionnaires to asses hardiness then monitored them over a year.Those who scored high on both stress and hardiness coped with stress and did not become ill. So hardy personality prevents effects of stress.
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Evaluate KOBASA'S personality study
Biased sample- only men of same job: But was supported by more studies- BEASLEY Uni students with hardy personalities showed lower levels of psychological stress when study
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What are the two ways to manage stress?
Psychological methods- Acts on mind e.g stress inoculation therapy; Biological methods- Act on the body e.g anti anxiety drugs
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Explain stress inoculation therapy
1)Client/therapist relationship. Client learns nature of stress. New thinking for client. 2)Coping skills are learnt, slowly put in their life. Taught self statements"control". Cognitive&behavioural skills. 3)New skills used: imagery,teaching others
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Evaluate psychological methods of dealing with stress
STRENGTHS: Tackles source of stress (long-term); used in a range of situations ; Clients have control WEAKNESSES: Time consuming; Need motivation/determination; Need good relationship with therapist
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Explain some drug therapies
1) Benzodiazepines- e.g valium reduce the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. This calms agitation of stress to calm them. 2) Beta Blockers- reduce the effect adrenaline on the cardiovascular system, less heart rate/blood pressure.Calms body
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Evaluate biological methods of dealing with stress
STRENGTHS: Easy to take; Acts very quickly; Effective in improving quality of life and returning to normal activities WEAKNESSES: Doesn't deal with cause (short-term); Addiction (Valium) causes withdrawal symptoms; Side effects e.g tiredness
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain the Pituitary Adrenal System


Hypothalamus> Pituitary gland (triggers sympathetic nervous system)> Adrenocorticotropic hormones released (ACTH)> Adrenal Gland (Adrenal cortex)> Releases stored glucose (ENERGY)> Damage to immune system> INFECTION

Card 3


What are studies into immune system and short-term stress


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Card 4


What are studies into immune system and long-term stress


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Card 5


Evaluate studies into the immune system and stress


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