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2. which of these is the correct outline of the PAS model

  • hypothalamus activated, pituitary glands, ACTH, adrenal cortex, energy
  • hypothalamus activated, sympathetic branch of autonomic nervous system, noradrenaline, adrenal medulla, adrenaline, fight or flight.

3. which of these is the correct outline of the SAM model

  • hypothalamus activated, sympathetic branch of autonomic nervous system, noradrenaline, adrenal medulla, adrenaline, fight or flight.
  • hypothalamus activated, pituitary glands, ACTH, adrenal cortex, energy

4. the PAS system is the body's response to short term stress

  • false
  • true

5. the SAM system is the bodys response to short term stress

  • true
  • false


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