
what is the social cognitive perspective
adopting models of cognition and applying them to social psychology
1 of 234
define stereotype
the association between group membership and then certain knowledge, beliefs and expectations
2 of 234
who was the first to measure stereotypes
Katz and Braley
3 of 234
they did this quite _____
4 of 234
however now we use what measures
5 of 234
what two techniques of implicit measures
priming and reaction time
6 of 234
define priming
the presentation of a stimulus that either facilitates or inhibits the processing of a subsequent stimulus
7 of 234
what are the two types of priming
subliminal and supraliminal
8 of 234
what is the difference
they are not consciously aware of the prime in subliminal and they are consciously aware of the prime in supraliminal (but unaware to its effects)
9 of 234
why would we use reaction times to study stereotypes
the closer associated stimuli is in memory, the faster the participants response
10 of 234
who did a priming study on racial stereotyping
Dovido et al
11 of 234
what was the prime
either the word black or white
12 of 234
what was measured
reaction time between prime, positive or negative word
13 of 234
draw the results
14 of 234
who studied the possible effects of this stereotype
Corell et al
15 of 234
what were they primed with
a newspaper article by armed robbery, either black or white
16 of 234
therefore what type of prime is this
17 of 234
then the participants played what
a video game
18 of 234
what was the conditions
black or white target
19 of 234
if they were primed with black, who were quicker to get shot
20 of 234
if they were primed with white, who were quicker to get shot
neither, no effect
21 of 234
what did corell et al manipulate in study two
ratio of armed and unarmed targets
22 of 234
the conditions were either stereotype _________ or stereotype _________
congruent, incongruent
23 of 234
what was the stereotype congruent condition
more black armed
24 of 234
what was the stereotype incongruent condition
more white armed
25 of 234
what did they find
quicker to shoot black armed, than white armed
26 of 234
what are 4 possible places stereotypes came from
society, self, evolution or social cognition
27 of 234
explain society derived stereotypes
social object, social origins and socially shared
28 of 234
explain self derived stereotypes
from feel personal needs i.e need to belong, need to feel superior
29 of 234
explain evolution derived stereotypes
useful mental shortcut for survival
30 of 234
explain social cognition derived stereotypes
stereotyping is a byproduct of every day thinking
31 of 234
what is this byproduct called
32 of 234
what is categorisation
we come across so much information in every day life we need to categorise them
33 of 234
give 5 benefits of categorisation
1. quick/shortcut/heuristic 2. organised structure in memory 3. logical simplification 4 energy saving 5. resource saving
34 of 234
People are cognitive ____
35 of 234
we follow the principle of what
least effort
36 of 234
___, ____ solution > ____, ____ solution
Rapid, adequate. slow, accurate.
37 of 234
who gave evidence for stereotypes having cognitive benefits
Macrae et al
38 of 234
the participants were given what
information about a target and ten personality traits
39 of 234
what were the conditions
prime about target i.e artist or skinhead, or no prime
40 of 234
__ of the traits were stereotypical, __ were not
5, 5
41 of 234
what did the participants then undergo
test on recall of traits and a probe task
42 of 234
what were the overall findings for the primed participants
did better at trait recall and probe task
43 of 234
what were the findings for the subliminal primed participants
better at recalling all traits
44 of 234
what were the findings for the supraliminal primed participants
better at recalling stereotypical traits
45 of 234
what were the findings for the no prime participants
worse at trait recall and probe
46 of 234
what are 8 influencers of stereotypes
Attention, Ambiguous stimuli, Attribution, Mental capacity, Mood, Memory, Gathering, Behaviour
47 of 234
who studied the influence of attention on stereotypes
48 of 234
what bias is relevant
confirmation bias
49 of 234
what is the confirmation bias
we are more likely to attend to info consistent with stereotype than irrelevant
50 of 234
what were the participants shown
video of woman
51 of 234
they were told before she was a _____ or a ______
waitress or librarian
52 of 234
the label changed what
the information they remembered
53 of 234
who studied the influence of ambiguous stimuli on sterotypes
Darley and Gross
54 of 234
participants were shown what of who
2 videos of hannah
55 of 234
what was the first video
hannah in wealthy or working class setting
56 of 234
what was the second video
hannah discussing performance on a test which was very ambiguous
57 of 234
then they were asked to do what
predict ability and test performance
58 of 234
what did they find
participants shown the wealthy video, high ability and most question right, working class - low ability and half wrong
59 of 234
the fundamental attribution error is on an individual level, but the ____________ is on a group level
ultimate attribution error
60 of 234
we are more likely to attribute _____ traits ______ to our in group and ________ traits ________ to our in group
positive interally, negative situationally
61 of 234
this is the opposite for who
the outgroup
62 of 234
who studied the influence of mental capacity on stereotypes
63 of 234
participants were presented with what
legal trial about sports student that got caught cheating
64 of 234
what stereotype does this draw upon
dumb sport student
65 of 234
the participants described themselves as either ____ or ____ people
morning or evening
66 of 234
they were then asked for a guilty rating at either __ or __
9am or 8pm
67 of 234
draw the results
68 of 234
who studied the influence of mood on stereotypes
Bodenhausen et al
69 of 234
how was mood manipulated
either asked to talk about happy thing that happened in the week or neutral
70 of 234
what were the students presented with
legal trial for cheating and barfight
71 of 234
what stereotyping were given
sport student and hispanic
72 of 234
who gave more stereotyped responses
73 of 234
what manipulating was in the follow up
74 of 234
what effect did this have
wiped out stereotype
75 of 234
who studied memories influence on stereotypes
snyder et al
76 of 234
participants were given information about who
Betty K
77 of 234
they were then told she was _______, ________ or ________
married, lesbian, nothing
78 of 234
1 week later they gave the participants a what
MCQ about betty
79 of 234
participants that were given married or lesbian labels did what
badly on MCQ, answered questions about betty that information was not even given but was align with stereotype
80 of 234
what is this called
memory intrusion
81 of 234
participants that were given no label did what
better in MCQ
82 of 234
who studied the influence of gathering information on stereotypes
snyder et al
83 of 234
participants were told they were gonna given a what
84 of 234
to either a ____or a _____
extrovert, introvert
85 of 234
they had to pick questions from what
a selected list
86 of 234
they chose questions that were what
more likely to confirm their hypothesis
87 of 234
who studied the influence of behaviour on stereotypes
Word et al
88 of 234
explain behaviours influence
you elicit the behaviour you expect
89 of 234
what is this called
self fulfilling prophecy
90 of 234
question about study
answer about study
91 of 234
question about study
answer about study
92 of 234
question about study
answer about study
93 of 234
what are 5 negatives of the social cognitive theory
no focus on stereotype accuracy, no focus on stereotype exaggeration, humans belong to more than one category, why do we stereotype some categories more than others, reductionist, individualistic
94 of 234
why reductionist
artificiality of experiment
95 of 234
why individualistic
no social interaction!
96 of 234
what is an alternative theory of stereotypes
social theory
97 of 234
Write and Taylor bring up what important question
are stereotypes always negative
98 of 234
what is a negative aspect of stereotypes
99 of 234
the ____ and _____ of stereotypes and prejudice is unclear
link, direction
100 of 234
what is prejudice
a positive or negative prejudgement of a specific social group
101 of 234
who gave 3 components of prejudice
102 of 234
what are they
Cognition, constance, Affect
103 of 234
explain the constance component
intention to act in a certain way towards target
104 of 234
who gave evidence for the role of affect
Cottrell et al
105 of 234
how we ___ about groups is just as important as what we ___ about them
feel, think
106 of 234
prejudices can differ how
underlying affect
107 of 234
this can influence what
different behavioural responses
108 of 234
for example, anger towards a group could lead to ____, disgust towards a group could lead to ____. fear towards a group could lead to ____
violence, avoidance, defence
109 of 234
Cottrell et al found similar ratings of prejudice from white americans towards home
African, Asian and Native americans
110 of 234
where were the differences
in the emotions felt towards them
111 of 234
what type of question might mask this
do you like them or not
112 of 234
there is _____ in stereotype content
113 of 234
what does this mean
some stereotypes are more positive or negative than others
114 of 234
are these stable
115 of 234
why might this be
historical and relational factors
116 of 234
who gave evidence for this
Haslam et al
117 of 234
_____ students, stereotyped ________, before and after the _______
Australian, American, Gulf war
118 of 234
what did they find
Australians had less positive and more arrogant stereotypes of americans after the gulf war
119 of 234
but this finding depended on what
the context of the question
120 of 234
which context did they find this finding in
when asked about Australian, Uk and American stereotypes
121 of 234
which context did they not find this finding in
when asked about Australian, UK, American, Russian and Iraq stereotypes
122 of 234
why might this be
shift in ingroup and outgroup
123 of 234
stereotyping is not a ___ activity it is a ____ activity
private, public
124 of 234
do we use stereotypes to define outgroups
yes, BUT we also use them to define ingroups
125 of 234
what theory is relevant here
social identity theory
126 of 234
social identity theory says we are motivated to do what
have positive perception of self identity
127 of 234
how do we do this
by making social group comparisons and trying to find positively valued distinctions
128 of 234
these positively valued distinctions can be what
ingroup bias or an outgroup derogation
129 of 234
what does this lead to
intergroup differentiation/discrimination
130 of 234
groups are in a state of what
social competition
131 of 234
stereotypes have what 4 functions
self identity, predict social environment, justification for behaviour, justification for maintaining group distinctions
132 of 234
what is system justification
psychological process, that preserves existing social arrangements EVEN at expensive of personal or group interest
133 of 234
this explains what 2 things
negative stereotyping by members of a disadvantaged group, essentialism
134 of 234
who did a study to support this
Hoffman and hurst
135 of 234
they gave participants descriptions of who
Aliens, A's or O's
136 of 234
the descriptions were how many traits
137 of 234
the traits were what
1 neutral, 1 communal, 1 agentic
138 of 234
how did A and O differ
80% city workers or 20% child workers or vice versa
139 of 234
participants had to rate what
agentic or communal traits of aliens
140 of 234
one group also had a what manipulation
accountability manipulation
141 of 234
the aliens in the group that were 80% city workers were always rated as more what
142 of 234
even more so in the what
accountability manipulation
143 of 234
he aliens in the group that were 20% city workers were always rated as more what
144 of 234
even more so in the what
accountability manipulation
145 of 234
who studied the similarity between stereotype content across cultures
146 of 234
what was the model called
stereotype content model
147 of 234
the stereotype contence depends on what two things
warmth and competence
148 of 234
she creates a map that she believes what
most outgroups can be placed onto
149 of 234
High Warmth and Low Competence causes what type of prejudice
150 of 234
Low Warmth and High Competence causes what type of prejudice
151 of 234
we often feel _____ about these groups
152 of 234
High Warmth and High Competence is who
153 of 234
Low Warmth and Low Competence causes what type of prejudice
154 of 234
Who has the same idea but less focused on cross culture more focus on international relationships
Alexandre et al
155 of 234
what was the theory called
image theory
156 of 234
all images have what motive
make the ingroup morally superior
157 of 234
what determines image
structure, sentiment, behavioural inclination, image
158 of 234
draw the table
159 of 234
Who gave evidence for this
Alexandre et al
160 of 234
who were his p's
students of a university
161 of 234
what were they told they had to do
compete for funds against a rival uni
162 of 234
they varied what
the image of the rival university to fit one of the four
163 of 234
they did an MCQ to test what
if they expressed the structure, sentiment, behavioural inclinations and image in alignment with condition
164 of 234
did they find this
yes apart from barbarian
165 of 234
using stereotypes is ____ for the perceiver but ____ for the target
benefical, costly
166 of 234
fiske believes we can avoid stereotyping if what 3 things
we have a lot of info, we have the cognitive capacity to attend to it all, we have motivation
167 of 234
what is the opposite of a cognitive miser
motivated tactician
168 of 234
how did fiske motivate people to not use stereotypes
outcome dependency, accuracy importance, accountability
169 of 234
these are all ____ motivations
170 of 234
fiske recognises the motivated tacticians chose be so in what two styles
wisely and defensively
171 of 234
why did the wise ones avoid stereotypes
for adaptability and accuracy
172 of 234
why did the defensive ones avoid stereotypes
speed and self esteem
173 of 234
who disagrees with this
174 of 234
she believes some people are internally motivated to avoid stereotypes
175 of 234
what important difference does she recognise
knowing stereotypes and endorsing them
176 of 234
there is ______ for al but _____ for some
automatic activation for all but conscious inhibition for some
177 of 234
how many studies did she do for evidence
178 of 234
what two things did she ask her participants to do in study 1
take a racism questionnaire and then list all the cultural stereotypes of blacks
179 of 234
where was the similarity
in the amount of stereotypes known
180 of 234
where was the difference
in the racism scale
181 of 234
what did she use in her second study
182 of 234
what type
183 of 234
what were the primes of
stereotypes of African Americans
184 of 234
what were the conditions
strong prime 80% of words were stereotypes, weak prime 20% of words were stereotypes
185 of 234
they read a ____ paragraph about ____
ambiguous, donald
186 of 234
people in the strong prime condition made more what
hostile/agressive interpretations of donald
187 of 234
this did NOT depend on what
high or low racism scores
188 of 234
what did she ask participants to do in study 3
list their personal thoughts towards black americans
189 of 234
what did she find
differences that were connected to scores on racism scale
190 of 234
Devine said people need what 3 things to avoid stereotypes
intention, attention, time
191 of 234
what is her phrase
prejudice with compunction
192 of 234
she said we should feel what 4 things about stereotypes
aware, guilty, concerned, reject
193 of 234
her invention encourages what
concern and guilt
194 of 234
the aim of this is to increase what
internal motivation
195 of 234
who did the 'just say no' study
Kawakami et al
196 of 234
what did they ask participants to do
press no button for stereotypical black word and black face and press no for stereotypical white word and white face
197 of 234
what did they find
after this reaction time for stereotypical info was slower
198 of 234
who disputes all of this positivy
199 of 234
what effect did he identify
200 of 234
explain the rebound effect
when you activley try to suppress thought, as soon as you stop it will be more increased than it was before the suppresion
201 of 234
when you suppress a thought, what gets activated
intentional process to drive out consciousness and automatic process to monitor it
202 of 234
the monitoring has a ____ effect at a ___ level
paradoxical, low
203 of 234
who did a study to support this
204 of 234
he told half of the participants to what
think about white bears
205 of 234
he told half of the participants to what
not think about white bears
206 of 234
he asked all participants to do what
speak all thoughts out loud into tap recorder and ring bell everytime spoke or thought about white bears
207 of 234
he then left them in a room for how long
5 minutes
208 of 234
draw the graph of total bell rings
209 of 234
after the instructions were what
210 of 234
draw the graph of total bell rings
211 of 234
who studied this rebound effect with real people
Macrae et al
212 of 234
they asked participants to write 2 paragraphs about who
213 of 234
what were the conditions
first group no stereo then no rules, second group no rules then no stereo
214 of 234
which para from who contained the mOST stereotypes
first group, second para
215 of 234
the first group also did what in a subseqent study
sat further away from supposed skinheads chair
216 of 234
why is this good
behavioural, objective measure
217 of 234
who disagreed with Macraes work
218 of 234
Montieth recognised what about the groups that Macrae had used
noone felt bad about stereotyping them
219 of 234
the rebound effect depends on what 2 things
type of person the stereotype is about and personal attitude towards prejudice
220 of 234
rebound is less likley when what 2 things
people are low in prej and social norms suggest the prejudice is unacceptable
221 of 234
who did a study to support this
222 of 234
it was the same as Macraes but about who
gay couple
223 of 234
they also had to do what
memory test of words associated with gay
224 of 234
low prejudice people show what
less rebound, worse in memory
225 of 234
high prejudice people show what
more rebound, better in memory
226 of 234
what is stereotyping disconfirmation
making stereotypes less inaccurate
227 of 234
who is a crucial figure
weber and crocker
228 of 234
what are the 3 components
booking keeping (modification), conversion (radical change) subtyping (subgroups)
229 of 234
which is less likely
230 of 234
you choose booking keeping when you
231 of 234
you choose subtyping when you
232 of 234
draw the box
233 of 234
but what question rmeians
is subtyping even good
234 of 234

Other cards in this set

Card 2


define stereotype


the association between group membership and then certain knowledge, beliefs and expectations

Card 3


who was the first to measure stereotypes


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


they did this quite _____


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


however now we use what measures


Preview of the front of card 5
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