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6. What happened in Jones v Tower Boot Co.?

  • Employee suffered racial harrassment, it was illegal to suffer harrassment during the course of employment
  • A man was killed whilst cleaning the railways, his wife tried to claim for it
  • A man tried to marry two people, this was illegal

7. Ratio of Re Sigsworth

  • No ambiguity but judges decided it would be 'repugnant to public policy' so Parliament couldnt have intended it
  • 'vicinity of' should be near/on the place- guilty
  • Actions were included in the Act's intention

8. In which case does a prostitute knock on the window because it is illegal to 'solicit in a street or public place'?

  • Bulmer Ltd
  • Smith v Hughes
  • Re Sigsworth
  • Berriman

9. What are the words interpreted in Berriman?

  • 'entitled'
  • 'relaying or repairing'
  • 'street'
  • 'vicinity'

10. Which case explains the literal rule- 'natural and ordinary meaning'?

  • Cheeseman
  • Pinner v Everett
  • Magor and St Mellons v Newport Corporation
  • Re Sigsworth

11. What was held in Foster v Diphwys Casson, and what rule of language is it?

  • Cloth bag wasnt in statutory definition. Must be same strength as case or canister. Noscitur a sociis
  • He wasnt reparing or relaying the lines, only cleaning them, Ejusdem Generis
  • Broken glass wasnt included in list of 'gun, pistol, cutlass, bludgeon or any other weapon. Ejusdem Generis

12. What is the Broad Approach?

  • only one meaning, but adapted to avoid an absurd result
  • Part of Mischief Rule
  • Explaination of Literal Rule
  • Explanation of Purposive approach

13. What is the Narrow Approach?

  • Within the Golden Rule- choose between two meanings
  • In purposive approach, more narrow minded
  • Explains the literal rule

14. What does Ejusdem Generis mean?

  • 'you are wrong'
  • 'the mention of one thing excludes another'
  • 'Of the same kind'
  • 'dont be mean'

15. What does Noscitur a sociis mean?

  • 'of the same kind'
  • 'closed list'
  • 'a word is known by the company it keeps'
  • 'mention of thing excludes another'

16. Singh v Bhakar was a case about bullying, why was the woman found guilty?

  • Even though the Act intended to prevent stalkers it could include victims of bullying
  • She was stalking the victim
  • She wasnt found guilty

17. What did the regulation say in Powell v Kempton Park Racecourse?

  • You cant keep a 'house, office, room or other place' for betting
  • You cant use an outdoor place for betting
  • You can only have a place to bet if you have a licence

18. What was the word interpreted in Muir v Keay, and what was held?

  • 'entertainment'- it included drinking coffee, not just musical or theatre. So D committed an offence
  • 'street'- she was found guilty because the action was included in the Acts intention
  • 'entitled'- not guilty, a dead person is not actually entitled to vote

19. Ratio of Fisher v Bell

  • Betting shop wasn't indoors, so not guilty
  • Weapons were an 'invation to treat'- so inviting customers to make offers to buy goods- aquitted
  • Cloth bag wasnt the same as a case or canister, guilty

20. What happened in R v Inhabitants of Sedgley?

  • Rates could be charged on 'land, titles and coal mines', so they couldnt be charged on any mine apart from coal mines
  • He killed his mother to inherit her estate
  • He parked his taxi on private land, but he still got customers from the street- guilty