Statistics - mean, median and mode

  • Created by: Nikki
  • Created on: 28-03-13 23:25
Average used to combine different sets of data when one is more important than the other
Weighted mean
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The average of a set of data
The mean
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The middle value of a set of data
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The most common value that occurs in a set of data
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The spread of the data
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The difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile
Interquartile range
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How much the data varies from the mean
Variance (variance = standard deviation squared)
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Measure of spread (square root of variance)
Standard deviation (variance = standard deviation squared)
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Distribution that shows the lowest value, Q1, median, Q3 and highest value
Box plot
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The name of values which are <Q1 - (1.5 * IQR) or values >Q3 + (1.5 * IQR)
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An outlier is...
A value: lower than (1.5 * IQR) below the mean OR (1.5 * IQR) above the mean
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The formula for working out a standardised score is...
(value - mean) / (standard deviation)
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A standardised score above zero means...
the value is better than average
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A standardised score below zero means...
the value is lower than average
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When comparing box plots, you should compare...
Range, IQR, median, skew
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Chain base numbers are numbers that show...
how values change from year to year
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a type of average used to analyse a set of data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set
Moving average
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Variation in the values of a variable dependent upon the time of the year
Seasonal variation
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You use moving averages to plot a...
Trend line
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The difference between a real value and the trend line value
Seasonal effect
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The maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product
Quality assurance
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Quality assurance - When a value is outside the action limits (3.S.D)...
The process must be stopped
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Quality assurance - When a value is outside the warning limits(2.S.D)...
Another sample must be taken
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Defne positive correlation
As one variable increases, the other does too
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Define negative correlation
As one variable increases, the other decreases
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Define no correlation
The variables are not linearly related
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When points are close to the line of best fit the correlation is...
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When the points are spread out the correlation is...
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Whe one variable causes change in the other it is called...
Causality (e.g. rise in temperature causes a rise in ice cream sales)
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The measure of how closeley related two sets of data are
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
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This is used to find a value that lies between two known values (e.g. using a line of best fit)
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Making predictions outside of the plotted data (e.g. extending the line of best fit)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The average of a set of data


The mean

Card 3


The middle value of a set of data


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The most common value that occurs in a set of data


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The spread of the data


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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