Statistics 2

  • Created by: Shannon
  • Created on: 13-02-16 13:18
What does the research design affect?
Which statistical test you use
1 of 92
When will the research design change?
If you are finding a difference or a relationship
2 of 92
What is correlational design?
Investigates whether a relationship exists between two variables
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Which correlational design is used if data is normally distributed?
Pearsons' product moment correlation (r)
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Which correlational design is used when data is NOT normally distributed?
Spearman's Rho Correlation Coefficient
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What is an experimental design?
Used to investigate whether a difference exists between two variables
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What is an independent variable?
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What is a dependent variable?
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What is an extraneous variable?
May have an impact on our other variables
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What three criteria's does an Experiment have to satisfy in order for it to be a TRUE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN?
- Experimental manipulation - Standardisation of procedures - Random allocation of participants to IV conditions
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What is random allocaiton?
Each possible outcome has an equal chance of being picked
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What is Quasi-Experimental?
When all 3 criteria's can't be met
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What is a directional hypothesis also known as?
One tailed
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What is a non-directional hypothesis also known as?
Two-tailed test
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What is a one-tailed test?
Specifies the direction of the relationship between the variables
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What is a two-tailed test?
No direction of the relationship or difference is predicted
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What is 0.05? (1 in 20 chance)
The probability that something will happen by chance - statistically significatn
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If we raised the probability to 0.1 what type of error would we find?
Type 1 Error - Find effects that are not there
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If we lowered the level to 0.01 what type of error would we find?
Type 2 Error - We would miss genuine effects
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What does it mean if the bars DO NOT overlap in error bars?
A real difference between the population means
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What does it mean if the bars DO overlap in error bars?
Suggest no real difference between the population means
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If participants take part in more than one condition (related sample)
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If participants only take place in one condition (Independent samples)
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A combination of within and between factors - More than 1 IV is needed
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What are the 2 advantages of WITHIN PPT DESIGN?
- Fewer ppts required - greater control over confounding variables e.g. individual differences
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What are the 2 advantages of BETWEEN PPT design?
Removes the chance of practice or fatigue effects - Harder for ppts to guess the purpose of the study
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What are the 2 disadvantages of WITHIN PPT DESIGN?
Increased chance of practice or fatigure - incerased chance of ppt guessing the study = demand characteristics
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What are the 2 disadvantages of BETWEEN PPT DESIGN?
More ppts required - Not much control over confounding variables - individual differences
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What do T-test show?
If there is a significant difference between the means of 2 conditions
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What is the independent (unrelated) t-test?
Calculates whether the mean scores from 2 different groups are significantly different
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When does independent t-test work best?
When score is normally distributed
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What does the independent t-test use?
Means from two different samples of ppts
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When do you NOT use an unrelated T-test?
When you have 3 or more groups of ppt
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What test should you use
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When do you use a RELATED t-test
If you have 2 sets of scores from one group of ppts
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What is a paired t-test?
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What is the formula for T-test
Difference between group means (M1-M2) / Variability of groups (Measure of spread within groups) - See sheet
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The higher the T- value....
The bigger the difference - less likely to accept null hypothesis
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What does the T- value tell us?
About the size of the difference (magnitude)
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What is the issue with selecting a sample from a population?
We can't be certain how representative it is of the population
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Why is this a disadvantage?
We don't use all members of the population therefore isn't entirely accurate
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What is sampling errors?
The degree to which the population parameter differs from the sample statistics
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What does a larger sample mean?
Smaller sampling error
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What does a smaller sample mean?
Larger sampling error
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What is the null hypothesis for a t-test?
No significant difference between two means
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If the population means are the same what is the sampling distribution
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If there is no difference between our means what would we expect the t-value to be?
Closer to the middle region of the sampling distribution
47 of 92
What do t-tests help us calculate?
How far from zero the difference between the two obtained means is
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The higher the t-value
The more likely it is that any difference between the group means is not the result of a sampling error
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What is the degrees of freedom in an Independent t-test?
n-1 for both groups
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What does a related t-test test?
Whether one mean is significantly different from another
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What are the two sources of variation?
Variation due to the difference between the means (IV) and Variation due to uncontrolled factors (Error Variance)
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How can we reduce Error variance?
By measuring the same thing twice as individual differences are removed
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When do you use related t-test?
Single group of ppts that are measured twice or are matched into pairs
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When don't you use related t-test?
When you have two sets of scores from a single group of participants on different measures
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Give an example
If you took extraversion and intelligence
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What is a One-Way ANOVA?
An extention of the t-test
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When is a One-Way ANOVA used?
When we have three or more groups of participant (Still 1 IV and 1 DV)
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How many levels does the IV have?
2 (groups of participants)
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What does an ANOVA do?
Comapres the between group variance with the within groups variance
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What is the F-ratio
Between groups variance (variance due to IV) / Within groups variance (Error variance)
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Within groups...
Variance is minimal
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Between groups...
Variance is larger
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The larger the between groups variance in relation to the within groups variance...
The larger the F ratio
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What does it mean if the F ratio is small?
The within-groups variance is larger than between groups
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What does it mean if the F ratio is large?
The within-groups variance is smaller than between groups
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What does the null hypothesis state?
That there is no difference among the means (between groups)
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What will the F value be if the null hypothesis is true?
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If the between groups variance is larger than the within groups variance what does this mean?
The IV has an effect therefore the ratio will be greater than 1
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What is the significance level?
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What is a Type 1 error?
1 in 0
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What happens if you increase the number of tests on the same data?
The chance of finding a significant result by chance is increased
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When can't you use a one way anova?
When there is more than 1 IV
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What ANOVA do you use instead?
A factorial ANOVA
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IVS = Factors
Conditions = LEVELS
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What are the four sources of variance
1. Main effect of factor 1 2. Main effect of factor 2 3. The interaction between Factor 1 and Factor 2 4. Error variance
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What is the main effect of factor 1/2?
The effect that one factor has on the DV, irrespective of the other factor
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What is the interaction between factor 1 and 2
The ways in which factor 1 interacts with factor 2 - behaves differently
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What are the three significant test?
3 Hypothesis = 2 main effects and 1 interaction
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How does two way anova interpretation begin?
With examination of the interaction
80 of 92
ANOVA terminology
Check revision sheet
81 of 92
What does the number of numbers show?
The number of factors (IVs)
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What do the numbers themselves represent?
The levels in each of the factors
83 of 92
When is anova USED?
When we want to analyse all the possible sources of variance in a study
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Parallel line in a graph shows
No interactio
85 of 92
No parallel lines on a graph
Possible interaction
86 of 92
Lines cross on a group
87 of 92
When is a Post Hoc used?
After insepcting the ANOVA results
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What does a Post Hoc do?
Compare every mean with every other mean
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What does every significant outcome mean?
The means are different and tells us where the differences in the ANOVA actually are
90 of 92
When do you perform a post hoc
If results of your ANOVA were significant and if you have more than 2 levels of factors
91 of 92
Controls the type 1 error rate well
92 of 92

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When will the research design change?


If you are finding a difference or a relationship

Card 3


What is correlational design?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which correlational design is used if data is normally distributed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which correlational design is used when data is NOT normally distributed?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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