Standard enthalpy changes 2.3.3.and 2.3.4. as unit 2 ocr

define standard conditions and the types of enthalpy changes


1. What is Activation energy?

  • It is the maximum energy required to start a reaction by breaking of bonds
  • It is the minimum energy required to start a reaction by breaking of bonds
  • It is the minimum energy required to start a reaction by making bonds
  • the maximum energy required to start a reaction by making bonds
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2. Complete this sentence. In the enthalpy profile diagrams - The activation energy is always the....

  • input of energy from the products to the top of the energy barrier
  • output of energy from the products to the top of the energy barrier
  • input of energy from the reactants to the top of the energy barrier
  • output of energy from the reactants to the top of the energy barrier

3. What is a standard condition?

  • Neither
  • It is a 1 atm, 25 C and 1 mol dm-3 for aqueous liquids
  • Both of the above
  • It is a 100 kPa, 298 K and 1 mol dm-3 for aqueous liquids

4. what is the standard state?

  • it is the physical state of the element in standard condition (above)
  • Gaseous state of the element in standard conditions (above)
  • Liquid state of the element in standard conditions (above)

5. What is the definition of enthalpy change of reaction?

  • is the enthalpy change that accompanies the reaction in the molar quantities expressed in a chemical equation
  • is the enthalpy change that accompanies the reaction in the molar quantities expressed in a chemical equation under standard condition, all reactants and products being in their gaseous states.
  • is the enthalpy change that accompanies the reaction in the molar quantities expressed in a chemical equation under standard condition, all reactants and products being in their standard states.
  • is the enthalpy change that accompanies the reaction in the molar quantities expressed in a electrical equation


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