Stages of Dying

  • Created by: llas7078
  • Created on: 23-10-15 02:32
Elizabeth Kulber-Ross
Originally ran seminars for professionals caring for dying people and eventually patients too.
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Kulber Ross - 5 Stage model of which a dying person will progress through (1)
1: Denial and Isolation: Isolation leads to loneliness - if you are dying you are not apart of the groups you mix with, feel like the world you live in is different to the one your loved ones are living in
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2: Anger: Anger about diagnosis, anger at yourself for not living a healthier lifestyle - why did I smoke/not exercise/why does god let this happen, anger at the doctors
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3: Bargaining: Please let me live long enough to see my grandchild's birthday, strike bargains with death
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4: Depression: necessary element that lead to people letting go/glow with the flow and enter acceptance
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Kulber Ross - 5
5: Acceptance: simply accepting the inevitable, acceptance of dying
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Kulber Ross - 5 Stage model of which a dying person will progress through (1)


1: Denial and Isolation: Isolation leads to loneliness - if you are dying you are not apart of the groups you mix with, feel like the world you live in is different to the one your loved ones are living in

Card 3


Kulber Ross - 2


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